Nursing Drug Reference 2006
For current, complete drug information, with a focus on safe medication administration, this book is the ideal choice. This indispensable resource, featuring the latest drug information organized alphabetically, is a favorite among students and practitioners. Readers will find indications, precautions, and nursing considerations applicable to any patient care setting. Every copy includes a CD-ROM packed with useful tools, such as patient teaching guides in English and Spanish, a drug interaction tool, and detailed information on herbal products. Provides detailed information for more than 1,300 generic drugs (encompassing more than 4,500 trade names) that nurses commonly administer. Organizes monographs alphabetically by generic drug name for fast access. Includes extensive nursing considerations in a concise, practice-oriented framework: Assess, Administer, Perform/Provide, Evaluate, and Teach Patient/Family. Provides comprehensive drug monographs containing generic name; Rx or OTC designation; pronunciation; U.S. and Canadian trade names; functional and chemical classification; controlled-substance schedule; action; uses; investigational uses; dosages and routes; available forms; side effects/adverse reactions; contraindications; precautions; pharmacokinetics; interactions; lab test interferences; nursing considerations; and treatment of overdose. Includes geriatric, pediatric, and pregnancy considerations throughout. Offers safety features such as high-alert headings; "Do Not Crush" and "Nursing Alert" icons; "Do Not Confuse" cautions, "Tall Man" lettering as recommended by the FDA, and avoidance of error-prone abbreviations as recommended by JCAHO. Features cross-references for the individual forms of closely related drugs (such as insulins, cephalosporins, and penicillins). Features more than 2,000 new drug facts, including updated drug interactions, side effects, precautions, contraindications, and IV therapy facts, as well as current patient/family teaching guidelines. Contains approximately 20 new monographs for drugs recently approved by the FDA, such as apomorphine, azacitidine, telithromycin, and tinidazole. Includes an appendix of key newly approved drugs that provides generic names, trade names, and uses for drugs very recently approved.