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Solution-Focused RTI
Solution-Focused RTI
A proven method for helping struggling students succeed Solution-Focused RTI provides an effective approach to Response-to-Intervention using a "solution-focused" method, which emphasizes a student's strengths rather than his or her weaknesses. This important book guides educators to identify exceptions to students' learning problems and design personalized interventions that can help those students succeed. In this book Linda Metcalf provides teachers with the basic building blocks of the solution-focused approach and offers step-by-step guidelines for identifying exceptions, designing interventions, and implementing a three-tiered Response-to-Intervention process. Shows how to implement RTI using the positive and personalized "solution-focused" method Linda Metcalf is the author of seven books, including Counseling Toward Solutions, Second Edition Offers an innovative, collaborative approach between teachers, students, and parents Includes reproducible forms for teachers and students This practical book helps teachers pinpoint research-based intervention strategies that work.
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The Early History of the Communities of Bowman, South Carolina
The Early History of the Communities of Bowman, South Carolina
The authors Linda Carter Smith, Peggy Easterling Miller, Steven Craig Smith and John Woodrow Weathers have researched and compiled facts, stories and photos about the colorful history of the Bowman area. Using archival documents and photographs, the authors have assembled a history of the area that gives the reader a glimpse into the early days of Bowman and the nearby communities.
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Structured Group Psychotherapy for Bipolar Disorder
Structured Group Psychotherapy for Bipolar Disorder
This updated and substantially revised edition not only incorporates the expansion of the pharmacological armamentarium available for treatment but also integrates the explosion of evidence-based data for psychosocial interventions. The authors, a psychiatrist-nurse team, have fine-tuned their two-phase treament program and present a clear and concise approach to improving illness self-management skills, as well as social and occupational functioning.
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Adolescent Second Language Learning and Multilingualism
Adolescent Second Language Learning and Multilingualism
This is the first book dedicated exclusively to presenting the current state of scholarship on multilingual development and language use among adolescents. Drawing upon the fast-growing interdisciplinary field of youth studies, the book provides a detailed examination of the linguistic, cognitive, and literacy development of multilingual teenagers in home, school, community, and global contexts.Areas covered include: • effective needs analysis • using the CEFR as a resource for course planning • writing scenarios for classroom teaching and assessment • triangulating course objectives, materials, and learners’ goals • key terminology Extra resources are available on the website: Brian North is a co-author of the CEFR and of its companion volume, and was Chair of Eaquals from 2005 to 2010. Mila Angelova is the Academic Vice Chair of Eaquals and Head Director of Studies at AVO Language and Examination Centre, in Sofia. Elzbieta Jarosz is a member of the Eaquals Certification Panel and is the Academic Director of Gama College, in Krakow. Richard Rossner is a co-founder of Eaquals, and a co-author of the European Profiling Grid and the Eaquals Framework.
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Truth in Publishing
Truth in Publishing
The Newspaper Publicity Act, passed in 1912, is still in effect and requires commercial newspapers and magazines using the preferential second-class mail rate to identify their owners and investors and to label advertisements that resemble news stories or editorials. These publications are also required to disclose circulation data along with their ownership statements. In part 1, Linda Lawson documents the press's inner workings, including its excesses and abuses, as it evolved from a collection of small businesses in the mid-1800s to an established commercial institution of the twentieth century. Large, urban newspapers challenged small, rural papers at the same time burgeoning popular magazines and trade journals competed fiercely with every other type of publication for advertisers and readers. The regulatory actions brought about by these divisions within the industry are treated in part 2.
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A Dynamic Systems Approach to the Development of Cognition and Action
A Dynamic Systems Approach to the Development of Cognition and Action
A Dynamic Systems Approach to the Development of Cognition and Action presents a comprehensive and detailed theory of early human development based on the principles of dynamic systems theory. Beginning with their own research in motor, perceptual, and cognitive development, Thelen and Smith raise fundamental questions about prevailing assumptions in the field. They propose a new theory of the development of cognition and action, unifying recent advances in dynamic systems theory with current research in neuroscience and neural development. In particular, they show how by processes of exploration and selection, multimodal experiences form the bases for self-organizing perception-action categories. Thelen and Smith offer a radical alternative to current cognitive theory, both in their emphasis on dynamic representation and in their focus on processes of change. Among the first attempt to apply complexity theory to psychology, they suggest reinterpretations of several classic issues in early cognitive development. The book is divided into three sections. The first discusses the nature of developmental processes in general terms, the second covers dynamic principles in process and mechanism, and the third looks at how a dynamic theory can be applied to enduring puzzles of development. Cognitive Psychology series
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The Paintings of Joan Mitchell
The Paintings of Joan Mitchell
This exquisitely illustrated volume and the exhibition that it accompanies restore Joan Mitchell to her rightful place in the history of American artists--one of the few women among the first-rank Abstract Expressionist painters. 145 illustrations, 85 in color.
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Clinician’s Guide to Breastfeeding
Clinician’s Guide to Breastfeeding
Medical literature for health care practitioners on the evaluation and treatment of breastfeeding issues has been disjointed, conflicting, and difficult to find. The field of breastfeeding medicine itself is nonexistent—there are no "breastfeeding doctors" who are specifically trained to understand this complex and interactive process. While much of the literature about breastfeeding describes how it "should" work, there is currently nothing available to explain why it often fails and how to treat it. Clinician’s Guide to Breastfeeding: Evidence-based Evaluation and Management is written for health care practitioners who work with breastfeeding mothers; physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, and lactation consultants. It provides clear information and clinically tested strategies to help professionals guide new mothers to breastfeed successfully. The first of its kind to consider the entirety of the breastfeeding experience,Clinician’s Guide to Breastfeeding is written by Dr. Linda D. Dahl, a leading expert on the subject. It is a comprehensive review of breastfeeding, covering objective analyses of ideal or “normal” nursing, as well as the evaluation and treatment of abnormal nursing, including case studies to illustrate the treatment decision-making process.
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Migrant Women's Voices
Migrant Women's Voices
Between 1945 and the new century millions of women, including mothers and migrants, joined the labour force. These changes are brought to life through the stories of migrant women, working in factories and hospitals, banks, care homes, shops and universities over a period of 60 years. Migrant Women's Voices is an autobiography of the post-war period as Britain became a multi-cultural society and waged work the norm for most women. McDowell illustrates the shift in migration patterns as post-imperial migrants to the UK replaced the immediate post-war pattern of migrants from war-torn Europe and who were then themselves joined by migrants from an increasingly diverse range of countries as the 20th century drew to a close.
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Teaching Mathematics Creatively
Teaching Mathematics Creatively
This new and updated edition of Teaching Mathematics Creatively offers a range of strategies to enable trainee and practising teachers to take an innovative, playful and creative approach to maths teaching. It promotes creativity as a key element of practice and offers ideas to involve your students and develop knowledge, understanding and enjoyment. Exploring fresh approaches, this text explains the role of play in bringing mathematics alive for children and teachers alike. It identifies the power of story-telling in supporting mathematical thinking, examines cross-curricular teaching, and allows you to plan for teaching creatively. Imaginative ideas, underpinned by the latest research and theory, include: Learning maths outdoors - make more noise, make more mess or work on a larger scale Everyday maths - making sense of the numbers, patterns, shapes and measures children see around them Music and maths – the role of rhythm in learning, and music and pattern in maths Giant maths - how much food do you include on a giant shopping list? Stimulating and accessible, with contemporary and cutting-edge practice at the forefront, Teaching Mathematics Creatively includes a wealth of innovative ideas to enthuse teachers and enrich maths teaching. This book is an essential purchase for any professional who wishes to embed creative approaches to teaching in their classroom.
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