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Making Valuing People Work
Making Valuing People Work
This timely report examines the strategic changes that are occurring within learning disability services as a result of the 2001 Valuing People White Paper. It offers evidence-based examples of good practice for all those involved in planning strategic changes to, or implementing change within, services for people with learning disabilities.
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Triglycerides and Cholesterol Research
Triglycerides and Cholesterol Research
Triglycerides are the chemical form in which most fat exists in food as well as in the body. They are also present in blood plasma and, in association with cholesterol, form the plasma lipids. Triglycerides in plasma are derived from fats eaten in foods or made in the body from other energy sources like carbohydrates. Calories ingested in a meal and not used immediately by tissues are converted to triglycerides and transported to fat cells to be stored. Hormones regulate the release of triglycerides from fat tissue so they meet the body's needs for energy between meals. Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance found among the lipids (fats) in the bloodstream and in all the body's cells. It's an important part of a healthy body because it's used to form cell membranes, some hormones and is needed for other functions. But a high level of cholesterol in the blood -- hypercholesterolemia -- is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, which leads to heart attack. Cholesterol and other fats can't dissolve in the blood. They have to be transported to and from the cells by special carriers called lipoproteins. This book presents leading new research from around the world.
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Fundamentals of Soft Matter Science
Fundamentals of Soft Matter Science
This revised edition continues to provide the most approachable introduction to the structure, characteristics, and everyday applications of soft matter. It begins with a substantially revised overview of the underlying physics and chemistry common to soft materials. Subsequent chapters comprehensively address the different classes of soft materials, from liquid crystals to surfactants, polymers, colloids, and biomaterials, with vivid, full-color illustrations throughout. There are new worked examples throughout, new problems, some deeper mathematical treatment, and new sections on key topics such as diffusion, active matter, liquid crystal defects, surfactant phases and more. • Introduces the science of soft materials, experimental methods used in their study, and wide-ranging applications in everyday life. • Provides brand new worked examples throughout, in addition to expanded chapter problem sets and an updated glossary. • Includes expanded mathematical content and substantially revised introductory chapters. This book will provide a comprehensive introductory resource to both undergraduate and graduate students discovering soft materials for the first time and is aimed at students with an introductory college background in physics, chemistry or materials science.
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"Designed for graduate level courses in adult psychopathology, the Second Edition of this book incorporates the newly released (2013) DSM-5 . Unique in its approach, this text presents a historical context in which current diagnoses are made. Presenting an overview of the issues and methodologies of conducting assessments, each of the major psychological disorders is discussed in a standard format in the chapter dealing with that disorder. The text includes new chapters on nonalcohol substance abuse and contextual factors affecting diagnoses. Each chapter covers: description from DSM, using case examples; epidemiology; basic research, including neurobiology and neuroscience of the disorder; prevalence and consequences of the disorder; behavioral, social, cognitive, and emotional aspects of the disorder; and treatment of the disorder, using clinical examples showing how psychopathology and assessment influence treatment"--
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Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book
Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book
Over the past three decades, more and more nursing educators have turned to Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing for its accurate and up-to-date coverage of the latest trends, hot topics, and clinical developments in the field of medical-surgical nursing — and the new ninth edition is no exception! Written by a dedicated team of expert authors led by Sharon Lewis, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 9th Edition offers the same easy-to-read style that students have come to love, along with the timely and thoroughly accurate content that educators have come to trust. Completely revised and updated content explores patient care in various clinical settings and focuses on key topics such as prioritization, critical thinking, patient safety, and NCLEX® exam preparation. Best of all — a complete collection of interactive student resources creates a more engaging learning environment to prepare you for clinical practice. Highly readable format gives you a strong foundation in medical-surgical nursing. Content written and reviewed by leading experts in the field ensures that the information is comprehensive, current, and clinically accurate. Bridge to NCLEX Examination review questions at the end of each chapter reinforce key content while helping you prepare for the NCLEX examination with both standard and alternate item format questions. UNIQUE! "Levels of Care" approach explains how nursing care varies for different levels of health and illness. More than 50 comprehensive nursing care plans in the book and online incorporate NIC, NOC, and current NANDA diagnoses, defining characteristics, expected outcomes, specific nursing interventions with rationales, evaluation criteria, and collaborative problems. Over 800 full-color illustrations and photographs clearly demonstrate disease processes and related anatomy and physiology. NEW! Unfolding case studies included throughout each assessment chapter help you apply important concepts and procedures to real-life patient care. NEW! Managing Multiple Patients case studies at the end of each section give you practice applying your knowledge of various disorders and help you prioritize and delegate patient care. NEW! Informatics boxes discuss how technology is used by nurses and patients in health care settings. NEW! Expanded coverage of evidence-based practice helps you understand how to apply the latest research to real-life patient care. NEW! Expanded Safety Alerts throughout the book cover surveillance for high-risk situations. NEW! Separate chapter on genetics expands on this key topic that impacts nearly every condition with a focus on the practical application to nursing care of patients. NEW! Expanded coverage of delegation includes additional Delegation Decisions boxes covering issues such as hypertension and postoperative patient care. NEW! Genetic Risk Alerts and Genetic Link headings highlight specific genetic issues related to body system assessments and disorders. NEW! Revised art program enhances the book’s visual appeal and lends a more contemporary look throughout.
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Clinical and Educational Child Psychology
Clinical and Educational Child Psychology
Clinical and Educational Child Psychology “There is no shortage of books on developmental psychopathology, but what is unique about this one is the effort to bridge clinical and educational practice with school practice. It is very well conceptualized, and the ecological and transactional approach is very appropriate to the subject matter. In fact, it is the only framework capable of providing a full picture of children’s mental health problems. This book is highly relevant for psychologists working with children and families, as well as for teachers and special education professionals.” Isaac Prilleltensky, PhD, Dean, School of Education and Human Development, Professor of Educational and Psychological Studies, University of Miami Clinical and Educational Child Psychology: An Ecological-fransactional Approach to Understanding Child Problems and Interventions examines developmental patterns in children aged 3 to 18 and the challenges that influence their developmental trajectory. Adopting a transactional-ecological perspective, Linda Wilmshurst explores the reasons why some children exposed to a variety of stressors may become vulnerable to a host of clinical, educational, and mental health problems. Initial chapters explore theoretical models and developmental milestones from early childhood through adolescence. Coverage also includes a variety of contemporary issues in the psychopathology of children and adolescents, with discussion of neurodevelopmental and disruptive behavior disorders, anxiety and mood disorders, attention and learning disorders, later onset disorders such as substance abuse and eating disorders, and issues of maltreatment that can result in trauma disorders. Through an innovative presentation that combines clinical and educational psychological approaches, Clinical and Educational Child Psychology offers unique insights into our understanding of behavioral issues during the transition from childhood to adolescence.
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Women's Studies
Women's Studies
This truly monumental work maps the literature of women's studies, covering thousands of titles and Web sites in 19 subject areas published between 1985 and 1999. Intended as a reference and collection development tool, this bibliography provides a guide for women's studies information for each title along with a detailed, often evaluative review. The annotations summarize each work's content, its importance or contribution to women's studies, and its relationship to other titles on the subject. Core titles and titles that are out of print are noted, and reviews indicate which titles are appropriate as texts or supplemental texts. This definitive guide to the literature of women's studies is a must-purchase for academic libraries that support women's studies programs, and it is a useful addition to any academic or public library that endeavors to represent the field. A team of subject specialists has taken on the immense task of documenting publications in the area of women's studies in the last decades of the 20th century. The result is this truly monumental work, which maps the field, covering thousands of titles and Web sites in 19 subject areas published between 1985 and 1999. Intended as a reference and collection development tool, this bibliography provides a guide for women's studies information for each title along with a detailed, often evaluative review. The annotations summarize each work's content, its importance or contribution to women's studies, and its relationship to other titles on the subject. Most reviews cite and describe similar and contrasting titles, substantially extending the coverage. Core titles and titles that are out of print are noted, and reviews indicate which titles are appropriate as texts or supplemental texts. Taking up where the previous volume by Loeb, Searing, and Stineman left off, this is the definitive guide to the literature of women's studies. It is a must purchase for academic libraries that support women's studies programs; and a welcome addition to any academic or public library that endeavors to represent the field.
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Fundamentals: Perspectives on the Art and Science of Canadian Nursing
Fundamentals: Perspectives on the Art and Science of Canadian Nursing
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Master the unique, multi-faceted role of the Canadian nurse. Confidently embark on a lifelong learning journey and prepare for the daily realities of Canadian nursing practice this with comprehensive, Canadian-focused text. Developed specifically for your needs by talented Canadian students, practicing nurses, scholars, and educators, Fundamentals: Perspectives on the Art and Science of Canadian Nursing, 2nd Edition, delivers an integrated understanding of nursing fundamentals through a continuum that guides you from one chapter to the next and from learning to understanding. New! Inter-Professional Practice helps you achieve positive patient outcomes through effective collaboration with the healthcare team. New! Diversity Considerations alert you to important patient care considerations related to culture, sexuality, gender, economics, visible minorities, and religious beliefs. New! NCLEX®-style questions at the end of each chapter test your retention and ready you for success on your exams. Revised! Skills chapters familiarize you with a wide variety of advanced skills to broaden your clinical capabilities. Enhanced focus on LGBTQ-related considerations, demographic shifts in Canadian society, end-of-life/palliative care, substance abuse crises, and refugee communities helps you ensure confident care across diverse Canadian populations. Case Studies place chapter content in a realistic context for the most practical understanding. Think Boxes encourage critical thinking and challenge you to apply your knowledge to different situations. Through the Eyes features familiarize you with patients’ perspectives to help you provide thoughtful and effective care interventions. Research equips you with the latest and most relevant Canadian healthcare findings based on clinical evidence. Critical Thinking Case Scenarios strengthen your clinical focus and critical thinking through real-life situations.
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Father-Daughter Relationships
Father-Daughter Relationships
In this fully revised new edition, Father-Daughter Relationships: Contemporary Research and Issues summarises and analyses the most relevant research regarding father-daughter relationships, aiming to break down the persistent misconceptions regarding fatherhood and father-daughter relationships and encourage the reader to take a more objective and analytical approach. The research is brought to life with compelling personal stories from fathers and daughters, including well-known celebrities and politicians. Boxed quizzes and questionnaires show students how the research can be applied to their own lives while others highlight the relationships between real-life fathers and daughters. Nielsen discusses the father-daughter relationship within a diverse range of family structures, including divorced and separated parents, gay parents, adopted children and children of sperm donors. Covering a wide range of topics, including the father’s impact on his daughter’s cognitive, academic, social and physical wellbeing, ethnic minorities, and incarcerated or abusive fathers, Father-Daughter Relationships: Contemporary Research and Issues gives panoramic view of the most recent research and statistics. This book is essential reading for upper level undergraduate and for graduate students, as well as for practitioners working with families, such as social workers, mental health professionals and family counsellors. It is especially relevant for courses in psychology, sociology, women’s studies, and counselling. Linda Nielsen is a Professor of Adolescent and Educational Psychology at Wake Forest University. A member of the faculty for 35 years, she is a nationally recognized expert on father-daughter relationships.
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