Selecting Effective Treatments
A systematic, research-based approach to the diagnosis and treatment of the major mental disorders—updated to reflect the changes in the DSM-5 This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Linda Seligman's classic book, Selecting Effective Treatments combines the latest research on evidence-based practices with practical, how-to information on implementation. Filled with numerous illustrative case studies and helpful examples, this Fourth Edition features expanded coverage of: Provides a bridge between the DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 as mental health practitioners transition between the two Helps mental health practitioners explain their choice of treatment approach to their clients, to their supervisors and colleagues, and to MCOs Covers the changes in criteria in the DSM-5 Discusses trauma and its effect across the lifespan, suicide assessment and prevention, and new treatment approaches, including mindfulness Offers insights into childhood disorders, including autism spectrum disorders, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and attachment disorder Guides professionals in the diagnosis and treatment of depression, borderline personality disorder, the schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and the bipolar disorders With a new discussion of treatment strategies for dual diagnosis, Selecting Effective Treatments, Fourth Edition provides a pathway for treatment of mental disorders based on the most recent evidence-based research, while at the same time recognizing that the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders are part of a dynamic and evolving field that embraces individuality and personalization.