Marketing Skills in Practice
Based around research into marketing education and marketing practice, Marketing Skills in Practice: Developing a Successful Marketing Career helps students embarking on their career to develop their professional identity, as well as the key skills required by employers in the industry. Divided into four core sections, the book begins with an overview of the field of marketing. Section two shows students how to relate practice to their own transferable skills, while section three gives students the opportunity to consider how they lead, develop, and manage within marketing. Section four provides students with the opportunity to reflect on their own learning and identify what knowledge and skills they have enhanced for their future careers. Fundamentally, the book identifies the key skills required in the marketing industry whilst also addressing the challenge of developing a career in leading and managing in a marketing context. Theoretical aspects are applied through real-life cases, practical examples and a themed case study, coupled with tasks that allow students to test and apply their knowledge to a workplace scenario, all of which are adaptable for hybrid teaching methods. Unique in its focus on employability, this text is suitable for all marketing students embarking on a career in the field, and particularly as core reading for any modules based on Marketing in Practice and Professional Development. Online resources include PowerPoint slides for lecturers and an instructor’s manual, which includes lesson plans, tasks, suggested answers, and a test bank with answers.