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The Deconstructive Owl of Minerva
The Deconstructive Owl of Minerva
The Deconstructive Owl of Minerva: An Examination of Schizophrenia through Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Postmodernism takes as its project the articulation of the language of schizophrenia as it inscribes itself between the self and ‘other.’ It takes into account Georg W. F. Hegel’s account of self-consciousness as a master-slave relation. A reading of Jacques Lacan provides access to the narrative self in terms of the “mirror stage” as the recognition of the self as ‘other’. By a further reading of postmodern theorists, this book shows that what has been named schizophrenia calls for a deconstructive strategy that operates with the divergence between pharmacological treatment and the understanding of the language of the schizophrenic condition. This difference will emphasize language as plural, plurivalent, polyphonic and polylogical. This book, essentially, seeks to circumvent the label of “schizophrenia” and to provide alternative ways to understand schizophrenic language in order to culturally rearticulate its effects in society. Postmodern and deconstructive modes of access to the languages of desire, dispersal, and plurivalence that are associated with schizophrenic conditions can help to open up spaces of understanding that are rendered impossible through symptomatic treatment models.
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Information Technology for the Health Professions
Information Technology for the Health Professions
Now significantly expanded and fully updated, IN FORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS, 4/e is the ideal information technology primer for readers working in any healthcare field, including allied health, nursing, medical/dental/pharmaceutical assisting, or medical administration. It fully addresses each key issue in contemporary healthcare IT, including the accelerating migration towards electronic health records. New coverage includes: smartphones, tablets, and their healthcare applications; the role of healthcare reform in promoting health IT; EHR meaningful use criteria; new practice management scheduling software; the growth of telemedicine; new problems in public health; interventional radiology; surgery-related nanotechnology; information-related biotech and pharmaceutical trends; expanded applications in psychiatry and rehabilitation; genetic privacy; and much more.
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The White Rose of Stuart
The White Rose of Stuart
Fictional biography of the daring young Scotswoman who defied English authority and even her clansmen to aid the fugitive Stuart contender for England's throne.
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Public Health and Society: Current Issues
Public Health and Society: Current Issues
Public Health and Society: Current Issues analyzes current public health issues in a historical context, while relating them to individual lives. The text emphasizes the social determinants of health, social justice, and the climate crisis, by leading off with these important topics and then integrates them where appropriate throughout the text. Subsequent chapters explore gun violence, the opioid epidemic, tobacco, vaping, and alcohol use, COVID-19, mental health, environmental health chronic disease, emerging and reemerging diseases, and more. Key features “In the News” articles bring public health topics up-to-date and underscore their modern relevance. Personal vignettes humanize public health issues and make them resonate for readers. Short histories put current issues into historical context, for example, the opioid epidemic (Ch. 5) and alcohol and tobacco use (Ch.6) Comprehensive and up-to-date data and references are included throughout the text. Navigate eBook acc
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"X/1999, an occult science fiction fantasy, is a stunning example of shójo manga (Japanese girls' comics) created by women, for everyone!"--P. [4] of cover.
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Stories to Talk About
Stories to Talk About
Brief narratives, some for children in grades four through six, and others for those in grades six to eight, pose an ethical problem, accompanied by discussion questions and writing assignments.
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Tough Issues, Good Decisions - Stories and Writing Prompts
Tough Issues, Good Decisions - Stories and Writing Prompts
Short, engaging, original stories with companion prompts designed to help students make smart choices when confronted with issues such as stealing, lying, bullying, prejudice, smoking, cheating, and more. Includes discussion questions, and literature links. For use with Grades 4-8.
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Grave Markers in Burke County, Georgia
Grave Markers in Burke County, Georgia
By: Lillian Powell, Dorothy Odom, and Albert Hillhouse, Pub. 1974, reprinted 1988 & 2023, 384 pages, Index, soft cover, ISBN #978-1-63914-136-Burke County was one of the first 8 counties created by the Constitution of 1777 after Georgia broke from British control and became an independent state. During the short period 1733-1752 when Georgia was a Trustee Colony, and later a part of this geographical area was known as "Halifax District". In 17893 a portion of Burke was cut off to help create Screven County and in 1796 another portion to form Jefferson County and in 1905 to create Jenkins County. Waynesboro is the county seat and other cities are Midville, Sardis, Alexander, Blythe (partly in Richmond), Girard, Gough, Keysville, Rosier, Shaw Town, Shell Bluff, St. Clair, and Vidette. Also included in this book, but located in Jefferson, Jenkins, Richmond and Screven Counties are 39 cemeteries in the main not far from Burke County line.
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The Fabulous Moolah
The Fabulous Moolah
Lillian Ellison, known in the ring as the Fabulous Moolah, is one of wrestling's pioneering veterans and heroines, both in and out of the squared circle. When wrestling first caught the attention of the public, Moolah had a ringside seat. Appearing on the scene in 1949 as a "valet" for some male wrestlers, she was introduced to the crowd as a "slave girl" dressed in revealing leopardskin. But the woman who got into the business for the "moolah" wouldn't remain a valet for long, and soon Moolah turned her humble beginnings into a successful and long-lived career. Growing up in Tookiedoo, South Carolina, Moolah was the youngest of thirteen children -- and the only girl. Surrounded by twelve rambunctious brothers, she had to be tough from the get-go. After the death of their mother when she was just ten years old, Moolah and her father spent Tuesday nights at local professional wrestling matches. At first she was just excited to do something special with her father. But everything changed when Mildred Burke (one of the most popular "lady rasslers" of the day) came to town. After years of being surrounded by boys, Moolah had finally found a woman she could look up to. From that night on, Moolah was hooked. She stayed in the ring throughout the 1950s and 1960s, even though technically women were banned from wrestling "for their own good." When the Women's Division of the National Wrestling Alliance was failing, Moolah started training girls at her home base in South Carolina, and by the late sixties the girls she had trained at Girl Wrestling Enterprises represented the single largest group of female wrestlers in the country. Soon the National Wrestling Alliance recognized her as the undisputed Women's Champ, a title she would hold for the next twenty years. Here, for the first time, the Fabulous Moolah tells all, from her friendship with the infamous Jerry Lee Lewis to a marriage proposal from country-music legend Hank Williams Sr. Moolah dishes plenty of wrestling dirt as well and relates hilarious moments from her decades long friendship with her in-ring cohort Mae Young. After more than half a century of wrestling, Moolah still trains girls for the ring and even manages to get into the ring herself now and again. She is a role model for strong women everywhere, and she will go down in history as one of wrestling's all-time greats.
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