The population of sexually exploited children in the United States has increased in deplorable increments. Many of these children have low self-esteem, a history sexual abuse, and lack trust towards authority figures, thus escaping from unstable, chaotic, and abusive homes. They become marketable prey for their sexual predators that feed on their vulnerabilities. Comprehensive rehabilitative programs for this population are scarce and in high need in order to provide the services that are not available for sexually exploited victims. This program design includes educational, counseling, life skills, job developmental, and healthcare services along with recreational activities and active participation in leadership roles that enhance self-esteem within a facility that provides housing and rehabilitative components for sexually exploited juveniles. Through the consistent manipulation and control from their traffickers, they have lost their sense of autonomy and self-value, which has contributed to poor judgments and decisions. In order for them to disconnect themselves from the psychological control that binds them to their traffickers, this program aims at increasing resiliency by exploring their strengths and capabilities to live productive lives and empowering them to discover their own positive attributes. Through the academic, job developmental and life skills provided, this program will promote autonomy and independence from the sex industry. In order for members of the program to develop healthy relationships with others, this program will also focus on enhancing their interpersonal skills. They will learn to communicate more effectively by acquiring the skills needed to identify their own thoughts, regulate their emotions and express themselves efficiently with other members. Through their involvement in positive recreational activities provided within the program, members will discover alternate leisure activities. Additionally, this program will also educate and encourage the practice of healthy hygiene and sexual habits in order to provide members the resources needed to promote healthy practices. These interventions are also conducive to preventing high-risk victims from repeating cyclical patterns of prostitution.