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Abnormal Psychology, Sixth Canadian Edition Loose-Leaf Print Companion
Abnormal Psychology, Sixth Canadian Edition Loose-Leaf Print Companion
Abnormal Psychology, 6th Canadian Edition, builds upon the strengths of the classic Davison and Neale textbook and presents abnormal psychology from a unique Canadian perspective with a contemporary emphasis. It provides students with the most up-to-date, relevant, and comprehensive content available in an abnormal psychology undergraduate textbook. The material is presented in a clear and concise manner that offers students the foundation they need to succeed in the abnormal psychology course and in their future studies. Abnormal Psychology offers students a wealth of tools and content in a structured online learning environment--WileyPLUS. WileyPLUS provides students with an engaging intuitive interface with cohesive, vetted resources. Everything students need to master the course--videos, a complete eTextbook, practice questions, assessments, and more--is in one place. WileyPLUS provides trusted, author-branded content and resources that can easily be customized to match an instructor's teaching preference and integrated into their campus LMS. Backed by learning science and customer-driven development, the WileyPLUS course supports instructors with efficiency and data-driven insights so they can help students succeed in their coursework and beyond.
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Applied Clinical Neuropsychology
Applied Clinical Neuropsychology
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Petrography of Evaporites from the Wellington Formation Near Hutchinson, Kansas
Petrography of Evaporites from the Wellington Formation Near Hutchinson, Kansas
A study of halite, anhydrite, and carbonate rocks in a part of the lower Permian sequence of central Kansas.
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Hematology E-Book
Hematology E-Book
Hematology, 6th Edition encompasses all of the latest scientific knowledge and clinical solutions in the field, equipping you with the expert answers you need to offer your patients the best possible outcomes. Ronald Hoffman, MD, Edward J. Benz, Jr., MD, Leslie E. Silberstein, MD, Helen Heslop, MD, Jeffrey Weitz, MD, John Anastasi, MD, and a host of world-class contributors present the expert, evidence-based guidance you need to make optimal use of the newest diagnostic and therapeutic options. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader with intuitive search tools and adjustable font sizes. Elsevier eBooks provide instant portable access to your entire library, no matter what device you're using or where you're located. Make confident, effective clinical decisions by consulting the world's most trusted hematology reference. Access the complete contents online at, with a downloadable image collection, regular updates, case studies, patient information sheets, and more. Apply all the latest knowledge on regulation of gene expression, transcription splicing, and RNA metabolism; pediatric transfusion therapy; principles of cell-based gene therapy; allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome in adults; hematology in aging; and much more, thanks to 27 brand-new chapters plus sweeping updates throughout. Find the information you need quickly and easily thanks to a completely reworked organization that better reflects today’s clinical practice. Visualize clinical problems more clearly with new and updated images that reflect the pivotal role of hematopathology in modern practice. Benefit from the experience and fresh perspective of new editor Dr. Jeffrey Weitz, Professor of Medicine at McMaster University School of Medicine and Executive Director of the Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis Research Institute in Ontario.
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Astronomy: A Physical Perspective
Astronomy: A Physical Perspective
This fully revised and updated text is a comprehensive introduction to astronomical objects and phenomena. By applying some basic physical principles to a variety of situations, students will learn how to relate everyday physics to the astronomical world. Starting with the simplest objects, the text contains explanations of how and why astronomical phenomena occur, and how astronomers collect and interpret information about stars, galaxies and the solar system. The text looks at the properties of stars, star formation and evolution; neutron stars and black holes; the nature of galaxies; and the structure of the universe. It examines the past, present and future states of the universe; and final chapters use the concepts that have been developed to study the solar system, its formation; the possibility of finding other planetary systems; and the search for extraterrestrial life. This comprehensive text contains useful equations, chapter summaries, worked examples and end-of-chapter problem sets.
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Critical Resource Theory
Critical Resource Theory
Critical Resource Theory (CReT) offers an innovative critical perspective on education funding. This new conceptual lens enables school leaders and policy makers to analyze quantitatively school funding policies and practices as a catalyst to make them more equitable. It offers a useful orientation and tool to increase fairness and opportunity in a society that systemically advantages the dominant group with ample resources while it disadvantages others by withholding them. Presenting a balance between the theoretical and its practical application to improve educational outcomes for marginalized children, chapters introduce and discuss this new extension of Critical Theory, validate it as a value-added and complete theory, place it within a broader philosophical framework, and construct its historical, social, political, and educational contexts. Designed for use in school finance and educational policy courses, this book presents an analytical tool that leaders, scholars, and policy makers can use to alter how they view public funding policies and practices – to question their assumptions about funding and resource allocations, look for, identify, and assess inadequacies and inequities, share their findings, and use these data to shape policy recommendations for increased fiscal fairness and improved student outcomes.
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El manual del paciente / The Patient's Playbook
El manual del paciente / The Patient's Playbook
Una llamada a la acción –a que cambies la manera en que gestionas tu salud y la de tu familia. Consejo experto para ayudarte a · Elegir a los mejores médicos · Seleccionar los planes médicos apropiados · Mejorar las búsquedas online · Organizar tu equipo de apoyo · Prevenir errores médicos ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Too many Americans die each year as a result of preventable medical error—mistakes, complications, and misdiagnoses. And many more of us are not receiving the best care possible, even though it’s readily available and we’re entitled to it. The key is knowing how to access it. The Patient’s Playbook is a call to action. It will change the way you manage your health and the health of your family, and it will show you how to choose the right doctor, coordinate the best care, and get to the No-Mistake Zone in medical decision making. Leslie D. Michelson has devoted his life’s work to helping people achieve superior medical outcomes at every stage of their lives. Michelson presents real-life stories that impart lessons and illuminate his easy-to-follow strategies for navigating complex situations and cases. The Patient’s Playbook is an essential guide to the most effective techniques for getting the best from a broken system: sourcing excellent physicians, selecting the right treatment protocols, researching with precision, and structuring the ideal support team. Along the way you will learn: - Why having the right primary care physician will change your life - Three things you can do right now to be better prepared when illness strikes - The ten must-ask questions at the end of a hospital stay - How to protect yourself from unnecessary and dangerous treatments - Ways to avoid the four most common mistakes in the first twenty-four hours of a medical emergency - This book will enable you to become a smarter health care consumer—and to replace anxiety with confidence.
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Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine
Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine
Ever since the discovery of blood types early in the last century, transfusion medicine has evolved at a breakneck pace. This second edition of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine is exactly what you need to keep up. It combines scientific foundations with today's most practical approaches to the specialty. From blood collection and storage to testing and transfusing blood components, and finally cellular engineering, you'll find coverage here that's second to none. New advances in molecular genetics and the scientific mechanisms underlying the field are also covered, with an emphasis on the clinical implications for treatment. Whether you're new to the field or an old pro, this book belongs in your reference library. - Integrates scientific foundations with clinical relevance to more clearly explain the science and its application to clinical practice. - Highlights advances in the use of blood products and new methods of disease treatment while providing the most up-to-date information on these fast-moving topics - Discusses current clinical controversies, providing an arena for the discussion of sensitive topics. - Covers the constantly changing approaches to stem cell transplantation and brings you the latest information on this controversial topic.
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Leadership in Education
Leadership in Education
With new coauthor Leslie Gonzales, Russ Marion maintains the tradition of well-balanced, well-researched, and lively discussions of classic and contemporary leadership theories and their applications. The extensively revised Second Edition adds coverage of leader-member exchange theory, sensemaking, group conflict, and critical race and critical feminist perspectives, as well as a fuller treatment of transformational leadership. The authors begin with a brief look at the pros and cons of general entity- and collectivist-based approaches to leadership, reflecting key debates in the leadership literature. Next, readers encounter the history and applications of specific entity-based theories, followed by a discussion of conflict theory, which provides an apt transition to the exploration of collectivist ideas. The book finishes with coverage of critical theory, institutionalism, and population ecologytheories that focus more on the organizational context for leadership than on leadership styles. Throughout this updated edition, the authors use metaphors and real-world examples from inside and outside educational contexts. Numerous figures, case studies, roundtable discussions, group activities, and reflective exercises engage readers and accelerate learning. Link Forward and Link Back sections reference upcoming or previous chapters to show that theories are dynamic. Leadership in Education, Second Edition, raises the bar for understanding and reinforcing practical applications of various theories in settings and situations that school administrators are likely to encounter.
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Medical Informatics
Medical Informatics
Inspired by a Stamford University training program developed to introduce health professional to computer applications in medical care, "Medical Informatics" provides practitioners, researchers and students with a comprehensive introduction to key topics in computers and medicine.
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