The Red-winged Blackbird
The Red-winged Blackbird is not only one of North America's commonest birds, but also its best studied. It exemplifies the contribution that in-depth species studies can make to many of the central issues in behavioral ecology. In this book, Les Beletsky calls on 20 years experience of redwings to provide an up-to-date, comprehensive summary of all the major work done with these birds. These studies on the redwings' polygynous breeding system, strong territoriality, complex vocal communications, and broad distribution shed light on many themes of key interest to behaviorists and ecologists interested in the evolution of mate choice and species adaptations to habitats which vary in character in different parts of their range. An extra dimension is added in the consideration of redwings as pests, a widespread and often serious problem in crops of rice and corn. This book is written in an easy style, and will serve as an introduction, to both student and layperson, to redwings and what they can teach us of behavioral ecology. The Red-winged Blackbird provides the research worker with a balanced summary and comprehensive bibliography of one of ornithology's widest and deepest studies. Key Features * Covers perhaps the most studied bird in North America * Presents model species for studies in mating systems, habitat selection, vocal communication, and territorial behavior * Includes a comprehensive bibliography * Presented in an accessible style, ideal for student use