Sicilians Don't Cry
Like in Sicilians Don't Cry, Sicilians Don't Cry II using the expression, will take you on a roller coaster ride like you have never been on before. It will make you laugh, make you cry, and pray that what happens to my twin brother Giovanni Guzzardo and I never happens to you. And again I want to state that I have lived one of the most bizarre, wildest, dangerous and tragic life any human being could have ever lived. I have been stabbed and shot before, damn near beaten to death by people with baseball bats, and being Catholic received my last rites two times. In my life I made a lot of big money, blew a lot of big money, did a lot of gambling, drank a lot of alcohol, did a lot of drugs, and from becoming a normal sex addict, I became a hardcore sadist and masochist sex addict.