Mennonite Family History July 2017
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Opportunity and Conscience: Mennonite Immigration to Pennsylvania; The Gerber-Vandersaal Cemetery Restoration [Gerber, Vandersaal]; Tempelhof Today [Holly, Ingold]; Update on the Troyer Family [Troyer]; Representing Those Who Moved: Peter Zehr (1874-1960) and Katherine Jantzi (1879-1954) of Ontario, Nebraska, and Oregon, Part III: Peter and Katie Themselves [Zehr, Jantzi]; J. A. Ressler from Lancaster to Scottdale, Pennsylvania [Ressler]; Daniel Shidler (1787-1864), Brethren Farmer in Pennsylvania and Ohio, Part V: The Shidlers' Year in Richland County, Ohio [Shidler, Addleman]; Query on the Schlegel/Slagel Family [Schlegel, Slagel]; Hunting Our Common Zimmermann Ancestor: Combining 21st-Century Genetics With 16th- and 17th-Century Church Records, Part I [Zimmermann, Carpenter]; Query on the Jung/Young Family [Jung, Young]; Colonial Mennonite Immigrants to Eastern Pennsylvania. Browse sample pages here.