The Saga of Enoch & Elijah, The Tribulation Witnesses
Step into the Witness Partners Page and explore a collection of stories, experiences, and insights shared by our valued collaborators. Here you will find a unique perspective concerning the time of God's wrath, where the end times or Tribulation are vividly portrayed. Previous attempts to depict the end times in book have failed to capture the true essence. So we dived into the details; now science and the Bible become easier to understand. While other book series may rely on a simple disappearance plot, these books delve into the rich resources of the Book of Enoch, Daniel, Matthew, Jude, and Revelation, offering a unique and thought-provoking reading experience. Book I introduce the arrival of the First Witness, Enoch, who is quickly joined by Elijah. These are the last two Witnesses of God, whose presence immediately captures the world's attention. They possess the necessary funds, ample resources, and a global News Network, all of which they actively employ. The series progresses with Book I, followed by Book II titled "Elijah and The Temple." Book III, "The Rise of Cain," comes next, followed by Book IV, "God's Trumpets of Wrath." Book V, "Babylon, Revival of the Roman Empire," and finally Book VI, "The Lion of Judah-The Final Trumpet," conclude the series.