Watergate's Unexpected Hero
In today's sharply divided political culture, finding a deliberative leader with an enduring commitment to bipartisanship feels hopeless. Half a century ago, in one of the United States' most trying hours, a relatively unknown congressman from New Jersey rose to the occasion as chair of the House Judiciary Committee, which established the gold standard for presidential impeachment in holding President Richard M. Nixon accountable for his crimes. Watergate's Unexpected Hero: The Life of Peter W. Rodino Jr. is the long overdue biography of a man whom many pundits thought would shrivel as he entered the national spotlight. Instead, his calm presence during the televised proceedings helped to reassure an apprehensive nation, and he quickly became a household name. Rodino remained a revered figure on Capitol Hill, lionized for his stewardship in a crisis until he retired fourteen years later. Author Lawrence Spinelli, who served as Rodino's press secretary, goes beyond Watergate to offer a meticulously researched, balanced account of his mentor's service. On the fiftieth anniversary of Nixon's resignation, Spinelli shares new insights into historic events. Relying on primary sources and Rodino's personal recollections, Spinelli explores an extraordinary life that began in the rough streets of Newark's Little Italy and culminated in a distinguished public career stretching from the New Deal to the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Along the way, Rodino worked with iconic political leaders to help address a wide range of public policy issues that still resonate today, including race relations, immigration, voting rights, and economic equality.