The Relations of Milton Snavely Hershey
2003 marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of Hershey, PA. This book details over five thousand relations of Milton Hershey - most of them from the Central Pennsylvania region. This volume is 563 pages - INDEXED. Add $4.50 for S & H via media mail. Title: The Relations of Milton Snavely Hershey. Format - softcover - perfect binding with black and white photos. 8 1/2 by 11 Author: Lawrence Berger-Knorr, MBA, CCP Publisher: Sunbury Press Contents: Ancestry of Milton Hershey - (1857 - 1945) including numerous Swiss ancestors from the 1500''s and 1600''s. Photos of Milton Hershey and relations. The Strange Death of David Ober in the B & O Train Wreck at Republic, Ohio, Jan. 4 1887. Photos of Hackman family members, including Andrew Baer Hackman. Descendents of Hans Stouffer (circa 1500) which includes family pages of the Stauffer, Hershey, Ober, Shank, Hackman, Hostetter & allied families. (1734 listings) Descendents of Georg Weber (circa 1578) which includes family pages of the Weber, Herr, Baumann, Kendig, Barr, Meyer, Mumma, Brubaker, Snavely & allied families. (577 listings) Kinship Report of Milton Hershey, including over 5000 relations. Family Names mentioned at least 5 times: Adams, Agnew, Aguirre, Allen, Alter, Amidon, Annett, Arnold, Arthur, Augsburger, Baer, Baker, Ball, Balsbaugh, Bar, Barkey, Barner, Barnett, Barr, Barth, Bassler, Bateman, Bauman, Baumgartner, Beachy, Bear, Begg, Bender, Betzner, Bitner, Bolender, Bollinger, Bomberger, Borton, Bowers, Bowman, Brackbill, Brechbill, Breneman, Brenneman, Briggs, Bright, Brooks, Brown, Brubacher, Brubaker, Brunk, Bucher, Buckwalter, Burkholder, Burns, Byers, Campbell, Cartier, Choflet, Collard, Collingsworth, Cook, Cooley, Cooper, Coughen, Crouthamel, Cruce, Dafoe, Daman, Damiant, Davis, Deihl, Delgado, Denlinger, DePalmo. Devlin, Diehl, Duncan, Dunham, Dupuy, Eberly, Ebersole, Eby, Eicher, Eagle, Erb, Erisman, Ernst, Eshelman, Evans, Everett, Eyer, Farner, Fink, Forsythe, Fox, Frantz, Freshley, Frost, Gardner, Gates, Gearhart, Gehman, George, Gingrich, Glancey, Glick, Good, Goodhart, Gordley, Goring, Grace, Graeff, Groff, Grove, Gruen, Guthrie, Hackman, Hahn, Hall, Hamilton, Hardgrove, Hardy, Harmon, Harnish, Harrington, Harter, Hartigan, Hawk, Haynes, Heestand, Heimbach, Hendrix, Herr, Hershey, Hertzler, Hess, Hewes, High, Higley, Hinton, Hippensteel, Hofer, Hoffman, Hoffstetter, Hollinger, Hoover, Horning, Horst, Hostetter, Huber, Hubert, Hursh, Hurst, Imler, Isaacs, Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Kauffman, Kendig, Kettering, Kibler, Kilmer, Kinzer, Kitchen, Knupp, Krause, Kreider, Kundig, Kurtz, Landis, Lane, Langsdale, Lapp, Lefever, LeFevre, LeGron, Lehman, Lesher, Level, Lichty, Light, Line, Livengod, Long, Longenecker, Loose, Martig, Martin, Mayer, McCarrin, McDowell, McLeod, Mercer, Metzler, Meyer, Miller, Mitten, Mohler, Mohr, Moore, Mornhengwieg, Morris, Mosemann, Mountz, Moyer, Mumma, Mummah, Murison, Murphy, Murray, Musser, Myers, Neff, Newcomer, Newswanger, Mickey, Nigh, Nissley, Nolt, Ober, Oberholtzer, Oliver, Orsbirn, Osborn, Pancake, Patterson, Peachey, Pearsol, Penner, Pennock, Peters, Pfaltzgraff, Pifer, Pike, Planchock, Porter, Powell, Ranck, Randall, Ray, Raymer, Reese, Reiff, Reist, Reiter, Rhoads, Richardson, Risser, Ritter, Robertson, Rockwell, Rodgers, Rohrer, Royer, Rudy, Schell, Schenk, Schnebele, Schuyler, Scott, Seibert, Sensenig, Sharick, Sharpe, Sheaffer, Shelly, Shenk, Sherk, Shirk, Shore, Shultz, Skiles, Smith, Snavely, Sneltzer, Snyder, Stambaugh, Stauffer, Stevens, Stoffer, Stouffer, Strickler, Stroup, Stuart, Stutt, Summers, Summy, Swartzendruber, Sweigart, Thomas, Tritt, Trump, Tyner, Wall, Walsh, Wanner, Ward, Weaver, Webb, Weber, Wenger, Westover, White, Wiancko, Wideman, Williams, Wissler, Witmer, Witwer, Wolf, Woods, Wyss, Yoder, Zeiset & Zimmerman. All told - over 5,000 relations are mentioned - including a substantial Kinship Report and complete Index. Many of the prominent Mennonite families of Lancaster, Lebanon & Dauphin Counties are represented. This is a wonderful Pennsylvania Dutch genealogy.