Mecheln-Auschwitz 1942-1944
A trilingual series (in Dutch, French, and English) dealing with the persecution and deportation of Jews and gypsies from the transit camp in Mechelen to Auschwitz between 1942-44. The prisoners had been arrested in Belgium and in northern France. Vol. 1 presents a historical overview, by Steinberg and Schram, of the racist and antisemitic persecutions in Belgium (especially in Antwerp), and in northern France, and relates the history of each transport. Vols. 2-3 present photographs of 18,522 of the 25,259 deportees. Only ca. 1,000 of the photographs represent gypsies. Vol. 4 contains lists of the names of the victims and biographical information concerning their fate. Contents: Vol. 1: De vernietiging van de Joden en zigeuners van België = La destruction des Juifs et des Tsiganes de Belgique = The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies from Belgium; Vol. 2: Gezichten van gedeporteerden: Transporten 1-13 = Visages des déportés: Transports 1-13 = Faces of the Deportees: Transports 1-13; Vol. 3 - Gezichten van gedeporteerden: Transporten 14-26 = Visages des déportés: Transports 14-26 = Faces of the Deportees: Transports 14-26; Vol. 4 - Namenlijst van de gedeporteerden = Liste des noms des déportés = List of Names of the Deportees.