The Miscellaneous Writings and Sterne's Subscribers, an Identification List
"Since the publication of The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman in 1978, the Florida Edition of the Works of Laurence Sterne has established itself as the standard scholarly text for all matters Sternean. This ninth and final volume maintains the exceptionally high editorial standards of the previous volumes, including comprehensive coverage of existing criticism."--J. A. Downie, editor of The Oxford Handbook of the Eighteenth-Century Novel "Provides, for the first time, a definitive edition of Sterne's provocative satire A Political Romance (1759) and a secure canon of his notoriously problematic fugitive writings, established through rigorous analysis of the external and internal evidence for attribution. The texts are meticulously edited, introduced with incisiveness and wit, and annotated with the formidable learning that has distinguished the Florida Edition since its inception. Brings to completion one of the great landmarks in the modern scholarly editing of eighteenth-century literature."--Thomas Keymer, author of Sterne, the Moderns, and the Novel "A model of editorial practice: judicious annotation, careful contextualization, and thorough engagement with critical commentary. Even more important is the manner in which this volume attests to the ever-changing nature of scholarly inquiry. Nowhere is this more excitingly evident than in the annotated subscription list, a valuable resource for anyone interested in eighteenth-century literary culture."--Elizabeth Kraft, author of Laurence Sterne Revisited