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Architecture, Theater, and Fantasy
Architecture, Theater, and Fantasy
"In the first half of the eighteenth century, members of three generations of the Bibiena family were the most highly sought theater designers in Europe. Their elaborate and masterful stage designs were used for operas, festivals, and courtly performances across Europe: from their native Italy to cites as far afield as Vienna, Prague, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, and Lisbon. Their distinctive style also became widely known through the collections of engravings published after their remarkable drawings. This publication accompanies an exhibition at the Morgan Library & Museum that is the first in the United States in over fifty years to celebrate these talented draftsmen; the exhibition and its catalogue also mark the promised gift to the Morgan of a group of Bibiena drawings from the collection of Jules Fisher, the Tony-winning lighting designer. These drawings demonstrate the range of the Bibienas' output, from initial sketches to highly finished watercolors. With representations of imagined palace interiors and lavish illusionistic architecture, this group of drawings highlights the visual splendor of the Baroque stage"--
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Trust No One
Trust No One
Landscape designer Taylor Wilson's home and business are bombed and her husband emerges as the prime suspect, but Taylor, now in protective custody, isn't so sure.
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Birds of the St. Croix River Valley, Minnesota and Wisconsin
Birds of the St. Croix River Valley, Minnesota and Wisconsin
Detailed assessment of the relative abundance, seasonal occurrence, distribution, and habitat use of birds in the Kilbuck and Ahklun mountain region of Alaska.
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Re-membering the Reign of God
Re-membering the Reign of God
What does it mean for an historically colonial church to become the “church of the poor” in a world marked by pervasive and persistent coloniality? Re-membering the Reign of God addresses this question through historical and theological reflection on the decolonial evolution of El Salvador’s ecclesial base communities (CEBs) in their own particular context of coloniality and prophetic hope. The CEBs’ witness represents a rich locus for decolonizing theology and challenging the whole church to join the church of the poor in its prophetic praxis of decolonial solidarity.
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Manual of Grasses for North America
Manual of Grasses for North America
Grasses are the world’s most important plants. They are the dominant species over large parts of the earth’s land surface, a fact that is reflected in the many different words that exist for grasslands, words such as prairie, veldt, palouse, and pampas to mention just a few. As a group, grasses are of major ecological importance, as soil binders and providers of shelter and food for wild animals, both large and small. Some grasses, such as wheat, rice, corn, barley, rye, tef, and sugar cane are major sources of calories for humans and their livestock; others, primarily bamboos, are used for construction, tools, paper, and fabric. More recently, the seed catalogs that tantalize gardeners each winter have borne witness to an increasing appreciation of the aesthetic value of grasses. The Manual of Grasses for North America is designed as a successor to the classic volume by Hitchcock and Chase. It reflects current taxonomic thought and includes keys, illustrations, and distribution maps for the nearly 900 native and 400 introduced species that have been found in North America north of Mexico. In addition, it presents keys and illustrations for several species that are known only in cultivation or are of major agricultural significance, either as progenitors of bread wheat and corn or as a major threat to North American agriculture because of their ability to hybridize with crop species. The Manual of Grasses for North America is a major reference work for grasses that will retain its value for many years.
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A House Full of Females
A House Full of Females
From the author of A Midwife's Tale, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the Bancroft Prize for History, and The Age of Homespun--a revelatory, nuanced, and deeply intimate look at the world of early Mormon women whose seemingly ordinary lives belied an astonishingly revolutionary spirit, drive, and determination. A stunning and sure-to-be controversial book that pieces together, through more than two dozen nineteenth-century diaries, letters, albums, minute-books, and quilts left by first-generation Latter-day Saints, or Mormons, the never-before-told story of the earliest days of the women of Mormon "plural marriage," whose right to vote in the state of Utah was given to them by a Mormon-dominated legislature as an outgrowth of polygamy in 1870, fifty years ahead of the vote nationally ratified by Congress, and who became political actors in spite of, or because of, their marital arrangements. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, writing of this small group of Mormon women who've previously been seen as mere names and dates, has brilliantly reconstructed these textured, complex lives to give us a fulsome portrait of who these women were and of their "sex radicalism"--the idea that a woman should choose when and with whom to bear children.
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Beyond Monotheism
Beyond Monotheism
Beyond Monotheism is an absorbing and lyrical exploration of the possibility of a new, living theology of multiplicity that is grounded in fluidity, change and incarnation.
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What's Wrong
What's Wrong
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Aunt Phil's Trunk
Aunt Phil's Trunk
If you enjoy reading entertaining nonfiction short stories, then you will love Aunt Phil's Trunk Volume Two. Not only do these easy-to-read pages keep you hooked to see what happens next, they also offer a window into the past through hundreds of historical photographs.
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