Solving the Puzzle of Your Add/ADHD Child
This text is the result of the author's research devoted to the needs of ADD and ADHD. It begins with a review of core concepts relating to the identification of biological factors. Helping a child with ADD or ADHD is like solving a jigsaw puzzle composed of many different pieces related to his behavior and health. You have to identify the puzzle pieces important for your child or patient and fit them together to form a completed puzzle. Within each chapter, the author will help identify the pieces of a child's puzzle. Part I discusses the symptoms of ADD and ADHD, how these disorders are diagnosed, accompanying mental and physical problems, and what the underlying causes may be. Traditional treatments are outlined plus the pros and cons of using medication. Part II explains the A+ Diet to give children the nutrients they need. Avoidance of artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and high fructose corn syrup is discussed along with the problems of sugar and sugar replacements. Part III presents important lifestyle considerations such as quality and quantity of sleep and exercise. Part IV focuses on possible missing nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. Part V identifies common food, chemical, and inhalant sensitivities. Part VI explains the importance of having beneficial bacteria in the intestine, and the problems of leaky gut. Part VII discusses the impact of toxic minerals and chemicals on behavior and health. Also provided is an appendix containing numerous child-appealing recipes that will help parents cope. This book will be a valuable resource for professionals who work with children-pediatricians, special educators, counselors, social workers, and researchers.