e179 | Borders Cuts Images
Borders Cuts Images. History and Theory. Editorial, edited by Linda Bertelli and Maria Luisa Catoni Maria Luisa Catoni, Cut as a device. An example from Classical Antiquity. Camilla Pietrabissa, Cutting down the interpretation of drawings. The case of Watteau. Maja-Lisa Müller, Framing representation. The hybrid zones of intarsia. Costanza Caraffa, The photographic cut and cutting practices in photographic archives. Sara Romani, From cuts to clues, hidden narratives within the details of Carl Durheim’s photographic portraits (1840-1860). Laura Di Fede, A look from outside. Foreign photographers in Palermo between the 19th and 20th centuries. Agnese Ghezzi, Framing the ‘delegated gaze’. Handbooks for travelers and the making of anthropological photography in Italy at the end of the 19th century. Linda Bertelli, Chronophotography as an archive. The dialogue between the physiologist and the artist in Le Mouvement by Étienne-Jules Marey (1894). Sonia Colavita, The aesthetics of cut in found footage film. The case of Decasia by Bill Morrison. Maria Giusti, Rediscovering censorship to understand the struggle for the contemporaneous age-oriented movie rating systems. Laura Forti, Francesca Leonardi, At the border of artistic legitimation. Geography, practices and models of project spaces in Milan.