It Governance
IT Governance Policies & Procedures will help you to devise an information systems policy and procedure program uniquely tailored to the needs of your organization. Not only does it provide sample policies, but this valuable resource gives you the information you need to develop useful and effective policies for your unique environment. for fingertip access to the information you need on policy and planning, documentation, systems analysis and design, and much more, the materials in this ready-reference desk manual can be used by you or your staff as models or templates to create similar documents for your own organization. The 2010 Edition has been updated to include: New chapter covering Web 2.0 New chapter on various kinds of virtualization including servers, applications, desktops, and storage New chapter on risk and benefits of open source or "freeware" and how to best use open source applications to run your business New chapter on best practices for requirements gathering to ensure you deliver what the customer needs New policies including Wi-Fi hotspot usage policy, e-mail marketing policy, e-mail usage and retention policy, and server virtualization policy Updated Internet usage policy and use of instant messaging (IM) policy Updated information on the use of cloud computing New information on electronic document discovery requirements The latest on implementing IT governance methodologies such as ITIL, COBIT, and ISO 20000 Actual sample policies on the bonus CD that you can modify for your own use to enforce proper governance of IT within your organization Information on managing change within your IT organization New information on how to manage a virtual team New information on how best to implement the move toward "green" computing Worksheets on the bonus CD you can use for planning and documentation of your critical processes Information on how a document management system affects your operation Tools and tips for mitigating the impact of events that can interrupt your business Information on data management and how to manage and protect your critical data Best practices on the management of instant messages and blogs Updated information on how to hire the right people The latest best practices tips updated for every chapter The latest information on web site usability techniques The legal issues surrounding the information your organization generates and your responsibilities for managing and safeguarding it (HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, SEC, Committee of Sponsoring Organizations, Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT), Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA), ISO 17799, and Canadian Budget Measures Act (Bill 198)) Updated information on testing your business continuity plan and keeping it up to date A significantly updated glossary with all the latest technology terminology and buzzwords Proposal templates, checklists, tally sheets, worksheets, tables, logs, questionnaires, and agreements for quick reference and adaptation to your particular needs