The Way To The Truth
Compiled for the common person for everyday use at all levels, The Way of the Truth is based on the idea that everyone can study and teach the Bible in an orderly fashion for growth and development. New and old Christians can be self-feeders (and Disciples of Christ) as they are being fed God's Word, God's Way, and God's Will for their personal life. Knowing how to "Rightly Divide the Word" will enable one to grow and develop in "Hope, Faith, and Love." One can search for the context of the scripture, understand God's intention, and give proper biblical interpretation of the scriptures. Use these outlines to train the trainers, teach the teachers, and develop the developer using the Bible as the primary source. Teaching others to search and research the scriptures with a purpose and goal to fulfil the Great Commitment, the Great Commission, and the Great Commandment.When a recommendation for self-improvement, group instructions, and a biblical understanding is preferred, these outlines offers a spiritual, logical, progressive, and yet simple format for creating and presenting a scriptural method and manner for studying God's Word, both written and orally. Often, we may be relying too much on books and articles written by others. Now you can use these outlines and develop others as you read, study, and review the Bible prayerfully. Outlining chapters, books, and subject topics will give you a road map to follow and keep you on track.Larry is presently improving, updating, and developing this and other outlines to continue teaching himself and others to be self-feeders, teachers, and spiritual leaders. Larry thanks God for all those He has used to help, teach, train and develop me in all manner of life and living.