Sin, once considered something to be avoided at all costs, has become common place and accepted. No longer believed to be a threat, or even to exist, like Elvis at the end of a concert, sin has left the building. But has it? Common sense would tell us to run from situations which have the potential to be destructive. Ideally, we would not purposely put ourselves or our loved ones in harm's ways. Yet, daily, the spiritual poison of indulgence damages our most valuable relationships. Sin ravages individuals, families, friendships, and communities. Anger, envy, greed, lust, sloth, gluttony and pride are killing us, but there is hope... Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy but I have come that you may life and have it abundantly." John 10:10 In Deadly, Larry Morris seeks to expose sin for what it is: existent, toxic, and devastating to what is precious. Each chapter searches the dark corners of the heart and helps identify lurking sin and then offers practical means of liberation. Larry Morris is passionate about sharing the Truths of the Bible in a practical way. He has a B.A. in Theology from Southern Nazarene University and 20 years of pastoral experience. Larry currently pastors the Broken Arrow Church of the Nazarene, He and his wife Kristi live in Oklahoma with their two children Hope and Jason.