The Principal′s Guide to Managing Communication
"Schneider and Hollenczer fully understand the principal′s critical role as a community relations expert. Establishing good communication is hard work and does not happen automatically-Schneider and Hollenczer get it! This book must get to every university preparation program in the country." -Theodore Creighton, Executive Director National Council of Professors of Educational Administration "This is a timely and informative book that offers knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the turbulent waters of school administration in the 21st century. It′s a must-read for those who would be effective school leaders focused on continued school improvement." -Walter H. Warfield, Executive Director Illinois Association of School Administrators Develop successful communication strategies that yield real-world results! Today′s school principals are expected to be instructional leaders. They know the importance of working closely with teachers, parents, and community members as partners in transparent organizational settings where communication is rapid, on-demand, and two-way. This indispensable text shows practicing and aspiring principals how to manage that communication so that everything else they do has a chance to work as planned. This resource helps readers to: Discover a variety of successful communication frameworks Contend with greater outside access to school data Implement dynamic communication that reaches all school stakeholders This must-have resource is part of the Leadership for Learning initiative of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA).