“Mythological villains are the faded beauties behind the ugly conspiracies of the lords which indeed muddles the solace of the living” The tides of destiny will inevitably lead to the greatest yet unrecognized war of all. Her thirst to witness a glimpse of her departed parents and her reckless curiosity to perceive her purpose in the dark prophecy has ignited the mashaal of hope for those unimpeachable souls who are striving for peace. She is destined to ally with the bearer of God’s gift—Krishna Murthy. He will accompany her throughout the adventure into the unknown. The aggoris and the educated priests will enlighten the darkest path but in the end, the mystery of MAYALOK guffa has to be solved by them. They are the only messiahs who can rejuvenate solace, end the breach between the living and the other world and nevertheless, save the living from the most powerful asur amongst the asuras - VIKAL ASURA. ARE YOU READY TO WITNESS THE ADVENTURE INTO THE UNKNOWN?