The Anti-Inflammatory Recipes for Beginners
*55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at 23.95 instead of $32.95! * If you want to start feeling fit, keep reading.... Your Customers Never Stop to Use this Awesome Cookbook! The inflammatory diet was created with a particular purpose, to fight inflammation, but it is useless to deny that it brings with it many other benefits and advantages. It represents an authentic dietary style that aims to improve our health. Its benefits are obvious because it reduces the risk of developing inflammatory bowel diseases, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. Taking into account the countless benefits of the anti-inflammatory diet, Martina Lopez puts in the field its best recipes after years of application due to an auto-immune disease that, until shortly before the discovery of this dietary regimen, was able to control with the sole use of drugs. After obtaining a significant life improvement, he wanted to transcribe all his experience in many cookbooks to reach as many people as possible, thus combining his passion for cooking and the countless benefits of this regime. His recipes are easy to prepare and suitable for those approaching this type of diet for the first time. In this magnificent text, you will discover: An introduction to the anti-inflammatory diet Breakfast Lunchtime Dinner Desser And many more wonderful anti-inflammatory recipes! As described above, the anti-inflammatory diet is an eating regimen that should be followed not only by those who have problems with auto-immune diseases but also for preventing them. Rebalance your body Eat healthy but with taste! Don't wait any longer! Buy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this fantastic book.