New Developments in Computational Fluid Dynamics
This volume contains 20 papers presented at the Sixth International Nobeyama Workshop on the New Century of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Nobeyama, Japan, April 21-24, 2003. The Nobeyama Workshop focuses on predicting the next one hundred years of development of Fluid Dynamics, accounting for the current status and future trends of high performance computation and communication. The papers cover computational electromagnetics, astrophysical topics, CFD research and applications in general, large-eddy simulation, vortical flows, mesh generation topics, visualization, DNA computing, multidisciplinary simulation and optimisation, as well as algorithmic developments. The Workshops are known for the informal and concentrated atmosphere of in-depth discussion thanks to all the efforts of Prof. Kunio Kuwahara at ISAS, Japan. In celebration of his 60th birthday, this workshop was dedicated to him.