Today, the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is one of the prestigious, toughest and recognized national level examinations for engineering students. This book has been written by utilizing a couple of decade’s experience of the authors in the teaching profession. The text is intended for the aspirants of GATE examination. It should also be equally useful for those who wish to crack the examinations of public sector units like DRDO, BARC, BHEL, DVC, NTPC, ONGC, SAIL, ISRO, GAIL, NHPC, PGCIL, IOCL, HAL and many more Public Sector Undertakings. The book will also be useful for those who want to appear for IES examination. It fosters the nomenclature of the chapters according to the textbooks for easy reference. This book garners a gamut of all the topics related to the field of Electrical Engineering.SALIENT FEATURES OF THE BOOK • The subject has been presented chapter-wise in a graded manner and has a detailed coverage of the GATE syllabus as per the guidelines • Contains general aptitude verbal ability, numerical aptitude, and engineering mathematics • Includes chapter-wise important questions as well as previous years’ GATE questions with its solutions (indepth explanation) in lucid and understandable language • Adequate study materials including comprehensive theory to enhance learning ability • More emphasis on fundamentals to crack the tricky problem during the examination • Important key points are provided for a quick recap and a sort of ready reckoner for the students before the examination • Step-by-step and simple problem solving technique enables the students to sharpen their problem solving skills for GATE and other competitive examinations • Develops passion for this interesting and pulsating subject like Electrical Engineering • Provides companion CD containing previous 13 years’ solved GATE question papers