Laboratory Manual of Pharmacotherapeutics
We are very pleased to put forth the revised edition of 'Laboratory Manual of Pharmacotherapeutics'. We have incorporated all the suggestions, modified it to make it easier, student friendly and relevant in terms of achieving curriculum outcome. We are very much thankful to all the learned teachers who have given their feedback whole-heartedly. We have even incorporated the changes in this manual based on the feedback given by the teachers from all the institutes. Now, we believe that the manual has been fulfilling the aspirations of Pharmacotherapeutics' teachers and students too. This manual is prepared as per PCI Education Regulations, 2020 for Diploma Course in Pharmacy. The methods of all the experiments are reviewed and added from the recent research papers, so that the advancement in the methods or apparatus can be addressed. This manual is designed for 'outcome-based education' and each experiment is arranged in a uniform way such as practical significance, practical outcomes (PrOs) and its mapping with course outcomes, minimum theoretical background, resources used, procedure, precautions, observations, result, conclusion, references, and related questions. Moreover, assessment scheme is also given to help the student and teacher to know what to be assessed. Every experiment has the component of the activity or role play included so that the students will be able to interact with patients and give them counselling tips on the proper care to be taken in chronic diseases. In addition, the questions are given at the end of experiments to increase the knowledge of students, which would be helpful for them when they will go for higher studies. Hope this manual will help the students to learn the concept, principles and perform activities and role play counselling the public about diseases and medication. We wish you all the best!!!