The Husband School
Turning bachelors into Casanovas, one cowboy at a time Meg Ripley may run the local diner, but she has never been one to get involved in the small town craziness of Willing, Montana. Now suddenly sheâe(tm)s entangled in it? In addition to harboring a pregnant runaway, sheâe(tm)s been enlisted to transform scruffy bachelor cowboys into husband material for a reality dating show. Including her ex-boyfriend, and the only man sheâe(tm)s ever allowed herself to love, Owen McGregor. Owen is still devastatingly handsome and the passion between them hasnâe(tm)t faded with time. Unfortunately, neither have the issues that drove them apart. But that doesnâe(tm)t mean Meg is ready to turn him into the perfect man for someone else! Because despite their past, Meg suspects that Owen is still the one.