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Family A Greatest Blessing Is an anthology consists of 25 talented budding writers and their bonding with the family. Each and every writer shared their perception about Family and their writeups will take a reader into an amazing world of love, care, compassion and values of a family.
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An Insight Into Writings
An Insight Into Writings
An Insight Into Writings is an anthology written by 27writers from different states of the country. They shared their Insights into writings, their attachment towards their writeups. This book touches every individual Personality. Writing is something which will be alive even after decades. The writers poured out their thoughts in a mesmerizing way.
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Family A Greatest Blessing Is an anthology consists of 25 talented budding writers and their bonding with the family. Each and every writer shared their perception about Family and their writeups will take a reader into an amazing world of love, care, compassion and values of a family.
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Christ's Love
Christ's Love
Christ's Love is an anthology which is the precious work of 30 writers. It is a book of bounding they have with the Christ.Every Writer has their own Perspective on Christ's Love. This book shows every writer faith in Christ through their Writeup. Love is a word even the solid like heart can even be melted up. Particularly this book shows the Love of Christ and his Sacrifice upon the cross to save People. Christ's Love is beyond the measurement.
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Childhood Memories
Childhood Memories
Childhood Memories This anthology consists of 25 amazing writers from all over the country. This book shows about the memories that tied up with their childhood and how it plays an important role in every individual life. Childhood is something which stays forever in heart. It will take up into a new world and memories.
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Childhood Memories
Childhood Memories
Childhood Memories This anthology consists of 25 amazing writers from all over the country. This book shows about the memories that tied up with their childhood and how it plays an important role in every individual life. Childhood is something which stays forever in heart. It will take up into a new world and memories.
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Christ's Love
Christ's Love
Christ's Love is an anthology which is the precious work of 30 writers. It is a book of bounding they have with the Christ.Every Writer has their own Perspective on Christ's Love. This book shows every writer faith in Christ through their Writeup. Love is a word even the solid like heart can even be melted up. Particularly this book shows the Love of Christ and his Sacrifice upon the cross to save People. Christ's Love is beyond the measurement.
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An Insight Into Writings
An Insight Into Writings
An Insight Into Writings is an anthology written by 27writers from different states of the country. They shared their Insights into writings, their attachment towards their writeups. This book touches every individual Personality. Writing is something which will be alive even after decades. The writers poured out their thoughts in a mesmerizing way.
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