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Case Studies in Logistics
Case Studies in Logistics
This case study book is structured according to the essential logistics functions. All individual chapters and subsections include learning objectives and key information on the subject. Each case study is divided into a general, explanatory part containing all necessary information, followed by individually numbered questions and tasks. Additional material may be downloaded from
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Außerdem befasst sich das Lehrbuch mit aktuellen Entwicklungen, wie z. B.: Risikocontrolling Compliance nachhaltigkeitsorientiertes Controlling Controlling immaterieller Werte Das didaktisches Konzept ist optimal auf das Bachelor- und Masterstudium ausgerichtet. Fallstudien, die alle an ein durchgängiges Unternehmensbeispiel geknüpft sind, führen am Anfang jedes Kapitels in das jeweilige Kapitel ein. Die 2. Auflage wurde durchgehend überarbeitet und um neue Themen ergänzt, darunter: Big Data und Business Analytics. Darüber hinaus werden die spezifischen Anforderungen des Wirtschaftsprüferexamens im Prüfungsgebiet "ABWL" berücksichtigt.
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Germany's Journey Toward 14 Tesla Human Magnetic Resonance
Abstract: Multiple sites within Germany operate human MRI systems with magnetic fields either at 7 Tesla or 9.4 Tesla. In 2013, these sites formed a network to facilitate and harmonize the research being conducted at the different sites and make this technology available to a larger community of researchers and clinicians not only within Germany, but also worldwide. The German Ultrahigh Field Imaging (GUFI) network has defined a strategic goal to establish a 14 Tesla whole-body human MRI system as a national research resource in Germany as the next progression in magnetic field strength. This paper summarizes the history of this initiative, the current status, the motivation for pursuing MR imaging and spectroscopy at such a high magnetic field strength, and the technical and funding challenges involved. It focuses on the scientific and science policy process from the perspective in Germany, and is not intended to be a comprehensive systematic review of the benefits and technical challenges of higher field strengths
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The Relevance of a Rules-based Maize Marketing Policy
"Strategic interaction between public and private actors is increasingly recognized as an important determinant of agricultural market performance in Africa and elsewhere. Trust and consultation tend to positively affect private activity while uncertainty of government behavior impedes it. This paper reports on a laboratory experiment based on a stylized model of the Zambian maize market. The experiment facilitates a comparison between discretionary interventionism and a rules-based policy in which the government pre-commits itself to a future course of action. A simple precommitment rule can, in theory, overcome the prevailing strategic dilemma by encouraging private sector participation. Although this result is also borne out in the economic experiment, the improvement in private sector activity is surprisingly small and not statistically significant due to irrationally cautious choices by experimental governments. Encouragingly, a rules-based policy promotes a much more stable market outcome, thereby substantially reducing the risk of severe food shortages. These results underscore the importance of predictable and transparent rules for the state's involvement in agricultural markets."--World Bank web site.
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Fallstudien Logistik
Fallstudien Logistik
„Aus Sicht der unternehmerischen Praxis bieten Fallstudien eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, Studierende der Logistik auf reale Entscheidungssituationen vorzubereiten. Mit diesem Ansatz fördert das vorliegende Buch die Anwendung des konzeptionellen Wissens und ergänzt so in ausgezeichneter Weise die existierenden Standardwerke in der Logistik." Jürgen Bock, Customer Supply Chain Director, L'Oréal Deutschland GmbH „Dieses Buch ist eine ausgesprochen praxisorientierte Sammlung von Fallstudien. Die leicht verständlichen Fallstudien sind hervorragend für moderne Lernkonzepte geeignet und erleichtern Studierenden wie auch Weiterbildungsinteressierten den Zugang zu logistischen Fragestellungen. Ihre Bearbeitung fördert die eigenständige Lösungsfindung in vielen Themengebieten der Logistik.“ Klaus-Dieter Martens, Geschäftsführer des Verbandes Verkehr und Logistik Berlin und Brandenburg e. V. (VVL)
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