Counterfeit Parts and Their Impact on the Supply Chain
Why should the supply chain be concerned if their buyers or subcontractors are purchasing counterfeit electronic parts or if their products contain counterfeit electronic parts? If these parts end up in items that are safety critical and security-risk sensitive such as aviation, space, and defense products, whole secure systems can be comprised. As organizations have become aware of counterfeit parts, one of their responses may be to test upon acceptance or prior to receipt. But testing alone may not detect all counterfeits. Possible sources of counterfeits include products that did not meet quality control requirements and were not destroyed, overruns sold into the market place, unauthorized production shifts, theft, and e-waste. The counterfeited electronic part ends up in the supply chain when ordered by an unsuspecting buyer, who does not confirm the originating source of the part. The second edition of Counterfeit Parts and Their Impact on the Supply Chain expands on the latest insights of what is really happening in the world of supply chains, quality monitoring and testing, counterfeiting mitigation and avoidance strategy. It brings new light into the consequences of weak supply-chain monitoring and how costs, reliability and reputation are negatively impacted by counterfeit products and components.