Uncovering New Possibilities
Uncovering New Possibilities is rich with wisdom for each of us - exploring what we are learning during this pandemic era; insights about our emotional wellbeing; prioritizing feminine leadership skills; charting a renewal in our second half of life, exploring living a life with ethical and moral purpose, wisdom from ancient Eastern traditions, and more. Kimberly Weichel 's new book "Uncovering New Possibilities" is filled with wisdom and possibilities for each of us, including enlightening Eastern healing and spiritual traditions, better understanding our emotions, behaviors, and instincts to live a more fulfilling life, uncovering how we can age with vigor and grace and why women's leadership is so important at this time. Kim is absolutely the best-of-the-best! I recommend her excellent book with two thumbs up!! - Dr. Paula Fellingham, Founder, Women of Excellence, Women of Faith Kim Weichel is a wise, grounded, and inspiring author. Her new book is packed with creativity and new possibilities I found meaningful and timely. She weaves many insights from different perspectives and traditions, from exploring morality and how we follow our moral compass, living in peace during crisis, aging with enthusiasm, as well as remarkable personal insights. - Tezikiah Gabriel, Gabriel Associates (NGO consulting/training); E.D., Pathways To Peace