The Adolescent
"The Adolescent: Development, Relationships, and""Culture" offers an eclectic, interdisciplinary approach to the study of adolescence, presenting both psychological and sociological viewpoints as well as educational, demographic, and economic data. This text discusses not just one theory on the subject, but many, and outlines the contributions, strengths, and weaknesses of each. The authors also take into consideration current and important topics such as ethnic identity formation, gender issues, the Internet, and the effects of single-parent families. The twelfth edition offers a vibrant treatment of the adolescent that offers current scholarship, as well as an understanding of what it means to be an adolescent today. New To This Edition! New full-color design adds visual interest and better complements the current and engaging content. Expanded epilogue contains coverage of "emerging adulthood," a recently defined stage of life that often follows adolescence in modern 21st century society. More than 750 new references keep students abreast of the most contemporary research and topics in the field, such as sleep deprivation in adolescence and the down-turn in adolescent pregnancy. Thought Questions are now divided into three categories: Personal Reflection, Group Discussion, and Debate Questions. Expanded coverage of cross-cultural issues throughout provides a richer and deeper understanding of adolescence across different cultural groups.