Understanding Society: An Introductory Reader
UNDERSTANDING SOCIETY: AN INTRODUCTORY READER, 5th Edition, contains a collection of classic and contemporary sociological readings selected for their timeliness, diversity, interest, and accessibility to students. The book includes the most up-to-date selection available-38 of the 68 articles are new in this edition. The intriguing new articles were selected to engage student interest, to reflect the richness of sociological thought, and to address issues that have emerged since the publication of the last edition (such as the Tea Party movement, low-wage work, football concussion injuries, climate change, same-sex marriage, and the criminalization of undocumented immigrants, to name a few). As always, the editors have included the top names in the field. Five themes run throughout the text: classical sociological theory, contemporary research, diversity, globalization, and the application of the sociological perspective. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.