Environmental Pollution: Effects And Causes
Pollution might be air, soil, or water. Pollution may cause heart and lung disorders, neurological issues, birth abnormalities, and malignancies. Recycle, reuse, composting, and treatment of industrial wastewater are excellent ways to reduce environmental damage. Detailed explanations of environmental pollution's sources, impacts, and control strategies are presented. This novel will appeal to many readers. This book covers chemical and radioactive contamination broadly. The book covers pollution sources, environmental behaviour, consequences on humans and non-humans, and control methods and techniques. Chemical pollutants of fresh and saltwater water ecosystems, wastewater as well as its treatment, toxics, air pollution, control of pollutants, soil pollution, solid waste disposal, pollution prevention, environmental radioactive materials, health impact of environmental chemical compounds, and effective pollution management are all discussed. This book is great for those who are eager to expand their knowledge. Students and researchers in geotechnical engineering, preservation, environmental studies, habitat management, and wildlife conservation would do well to read this book.