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Global Warming
Global Warming
This anthology of poems is an emotional exploration of climate change and its underlying attitudes. The poems lie at the intersection of climate change due to global warming and inner transformation. The poems are meaningful, powerful, and thought-provoking. The reader goes on a journey from despair and chaos, ending in a place of quiet optimism. This is a book for the sensitive, the conscious, the eco-warriors, and the introspective nature lovers among us. Intermixing essays with poetry and art, this book is both a balm and a guide for knowing and holding what has been done to the world, while bolstering our resolve never to give up on one another or our collective future. The scope of the poems goes far beyond Connecticut to the whole ecosystem we humans share. With praise and wonder, and sometimes with grief or anger, the poems in this collection pay close attention to our planet and its inhabitants. In a time of climate crisis, the poems in this anthology ask everyone to wake up to the earth and cherish it.
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Toma Aí Um Poema (Edição n2)
Toma Aí Um Poema (Edição n2)
Revista Volume 1, no 2 - Dezembro de 2021. ISSN: ------- Curitiba/PR - Brasil Expediente Publicação: Semestral Idioma: Português Distribuição: Gratuita online em pdf Conselho editorial: Andreia Moema, Belise Campos, Jéssica Iancoski, Monique Sandrielly Editora-Chefe: Jéssica Iancoski Diagramação: Monique Sandrielly Revisão: Textos foram revisados pelos autores, não houve nenhuma modificação por parte da revista. Capa Fotografia: Reginaldo [L] Cardoso Capista: Jessica Iancoski Contato: Instagram: @TomaAiUmPoema *Algumas funcionalidades não estão disponíveis em PDF Direitos Autorais Fair Use. Os textos e imagens publicados podem ser reproduzidos, desde que sejam preservados os nomes de seus respectivos autores e a fonte. A utilização não deve ter fins lucrativos. A responsabilidade pelo conteúdo é exclusiva de seus autores. Editorial Quisemos, com esta edição, criar uma revista 100% digital e interativa. Buscamos produções que já tivessem sido publicadas ou postadas em outros endereços eletrônicos. Logo, não há nenhum material inédito nesta revista. Clique nos ícones das páginas e descubra. Navegue .A ideia foi criar um emaranhado de links conectados pela arte e pela literatura, tentando sondar a ideia de que o ineditismo, em veículos não-canônicos, talvez, seja uma vaidade editorial, somente. A poesia se faz em conjunto. A nossa linha editorial é laço. Conexão.
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A Flame of Fire
A Flame of Fire
Of course, life does not consist only of disturbing memories. There are so many occasions in our life that are very good and the people are happy. There were also many moments in my lifetime when I was full of success and happiness. Memories of our mistakes and problems which make up stories. While the problems often remain in the memories, the good memories always pass by so fast. For this purpose, in most stories, happy memories always ended too soon. I had learned, from the stones that were thrown to me, to build the firm steps to success and climbed from them and I also did it. I was successful in my career even when I was as a religious minority in Iran, where I did not even have the right to live. From zero financial support and a room in my parent’s home, I did build a three thousand square meters plant with hundreds of employees. However, the last stone was a power of the mountain and has thrown from a few directions to me, which has thrown me from the top to down. Ok, it is life, and I can only say who I am thirty years older. I am glad that had my mission is done and happy and that my health is maintained. What was amazing, if I might leave alone for a few minutes, was the ability to be a true dream when I could enter into a state of real survival, into a state of blankness, into a quiet place, painless and peaceful, where I could hold all the times of the world.
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