Give God the Glory!
Book #1 in the Give God the Glory! series challenges its readers to desire a closer relationship with God. In doing so, our connection to, and relationship with, Him unleashes the power that is needed to fulfill ones divine purpose. This book, now in its fifth printing, shares several important messages regarding worship including how to be a praise and worship leader, praise and worship and is ranked amongst the top worship books in its category. It is written for the Christian and nonChristian alike. Author, teacher and ministry leader Kevin Wayne Johnson enthusiastically embraces Gods Word for his life and, through the words of his subtitle, encourages his readers to Know God and Do the Will of God as it relates to their lives. Reading this powerful and life changing book will answer the reader's specific questions or concerns such as Lord heal my hurt, Lord I want to be whole, How great are you Lord, and Lord heal my hurts. This book is systematically divided into two parts, with three chapters each. Throughout the 163 pages, readers will learn that you have potential, you have what it takes, He did this for you and He did this just for you. That is, God loves us so much that He gave His son Jesus to ensure our victory in this world. Supported by the Scriptures throughout, the central theme of each chapter focuses on specific biblical principles that challenge and encourage each of us to Give God the Glory! Understanding who God is and who needs God is pivotal to God and his people. Several areas of learning include that fact that God made us all, the pleasures of God, how to hear from God, how to experience God, how to overcome your disappointment with God, how He is regarded as a faithful God, the sovereignty of God, the pursuit of God and what it means to put on the armor of God. Whether you are considered amongst those who are Bible beginners, Bible believers or Bible explorers, this foundational book is key to a fulfilling experience with the entire series. This initial best selling Christian book in the series continues to experience strong sales through a number of sources including the evangelical bookstore, faith bookstore, religious bookstore, the Christian bookstore, Christian bookshops, the directory of Christian bookstores and everywhere that Christian books and bibles are sold. Listed amongst best Christian books, readers can also locate this great Christian book through our favorite Christian book list, Christian book review and various publications that track Christian book sales. New African American Christian author Kevin Wayne Johnson highly recommends this foundational book to men, women and teens to know God and do His will in our lives.