Two-time NBA Finals MVP Kevin Durant opens up about the biggest decisions he has faced in his life, and how you can face the biggest decisions in yours. Family member, friend, teammate, athlete, humanitarian, entrepreneur: Kevin Durant plays many roles in his life, and faces many tricky choices. All of them seem like blessings relative to the much harder choices he was faced with as a young man coming of age, in a community without the sort of structure and support that many people take for granted. KD watched his mother go without food at times so that he and his siblings had enough to eat, and he watched other people in his neighborhood fall off the path. Now for the first time he describes that coming of age, growing into one of the most exciting young athletes on the planet out of college, as the story of the crucial crossroads decisions he faced. With the arrival of money and fame, the decisions multiplied and grew more complex. The next set of choices KD examines are the ones that put him on the path to a work ethic and process of continuous education that have transformed potential into performance. It is the path that has led him to be one of the greatest basketball players of all time, and a cutting-edge entrepreneur and business partner. It has also allowed him to seize the choice of giving back, in honor of the people and places in his life that made his ascent possible, not least by seeing that other young boys and girls have places they can find sanctuary and support and resources to help them rise. KD doesn't shy away from controversial choices here, including his decision to leave Oklahoma City for Golden State; in fact, he goes straight at them, offering candid and previously untold accounts. But his larger goal here is to use his own remarkable journey to inspire readers to see their own lives as a series of choices, and to arm them with a way to think about making decisions in their own interests that will put them in the best possible position to thrive.