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Contents Under Pressure
Contents Under Pressure
Kevin Ridgeway's new Crisis Chronicles Press chapbook, Contents Under Pressure took me on a trip through broken appliances, drunken charades, fallen angels, kissing couples, hip-high grasses, mind fucks and sinister grooves. And when it was done, all I could say was "Amen" -- and "Again!"Contents Under Pressure is 16 poems on 28 pages, hand assembled and saddle stitch bound with textured ivory card stock cover, kelly green card stock endpapers and white pages. Cover image by Steven B. Smith.
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Too Young to Know
Too Young to Know
Kevin Ridgeway was raised in Whittier, CA. He has lived in New York City, Vermont, Massachusetts and Maine. He attended Goddard College but abandoned his studies for a failed early marriage, followed by several lost years suffering from untreated bipolar disorder during which time he embarked on a drunken public library and used book store self education with silent movies playing on his t.v. set and old school rock n roll grooving from his turntable. He began contributing to the small, independent and underground presses in 2010, and has remained prolifc ever since. He is the author of nine chapbooks of poetry. A two-time Pushcart Prize and two-time Best of the Net nominee, he lives and writes in Long Beach, CA.
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On the Burning Shore
On the Burning Shore
Kevin Ridgeway's poems are down to earth and human. This is his third chapbook. His other poetry chapbooks are Burn through Today (Flutter Press, 2012) and All the Rage (Electric Windmill Press, 2013).
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Invasion of the Shadow People
Invasion of the Shadow People
"Kevin Ridgeway has a hammer in his soul and he uses it to bang out hard truths dealing with a broken childhood, staggered adulthood, psych ward stays, bleak street scenes, lessons in sin from a soon to be incarcerated father, a desperate mother failing to leave behind the man who always continues to break her heart. All this Ridgeway lays out with lines flying down the page, perhaps the only way such nightmare hours should be recorded. We all know the world is a chaotic ride. This book won't necessarily help you figure out how to better maneuver through it, but it will make you come alive with wider eyes, sharper vision. Reading Ridgeway is a pleasure born of pain. The world within these pages, forged in the language of scars, is well worth falling into." Michael Flanagan Author of, Days Like These and, A Million Years Gone "Kevin Ridgeway's work bubbles with pain, humor, terror, and love. Invasion of the Shadow People is not simply a collection of poems-but rather a beating heart that will not be stopped." --Mathieu Cailler, author of the poetry collections May I Have This Dance and Catacombs of the Heart
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Laughing in the Face of Death
Laughing in the Face of Death
Arroyo Seco Press' new Blue Book chapbook series. No frills chapbooks of Poetry, Memoir, Fiction, and more. Kevin Ridgeway's books include Too Young to Know (Stubborn Mule Press), Invasion of the Shadow People (Luchador Press) and Rejection Letters (Arroyo Seco Press). His work has appeared in The Paterson Literary Review, Slipstream, Chiron Review, Nerve Cowboy, Main Street Rag, San Pedro River Review, Spillway, Plainsongs and The American Journal of Poetry, among others. A Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee, he lives and writes in Long Beach, CA.
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Rejection Letters
Rejection Letters
Kevin Ridgeway gives us the best of transgressive literature, not gratuity but the brutal negotiation of the emotional corruption of humans, in a way that is far more honest than Bukowski's alpha male posturing, You had better flinch and wince John Wayne because when the whole shithouse comes down, the last men standing will be the poets like Kevin Ridgeway. -Paul Corman-Roberts
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Poems from and about motels, hotels, and motor inns from NY to LA and beyond, by Kevin Ridgeway and James H Duncan. Published by Alpine Ghost Press." the end of its days the motel housed only the suffering and the burned-out, the addicts, the broken, the poor, and lost, and after a fire that too disappeared, as all things do in time."
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Drunk Monkeys Anthology
Drunk Monkeys Anthology
The best fiction and poetry featured over the past year in the online literary journal Drunk Monkeys. Featuring fiction from Bud Smith and Gessy Alvarez and poetry from Kevin Ridgeway, Frankie Met, William Lessard. Plus essays on Star Wars, illustrations, the Donald Trump campaign speech generator, and much more!
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Fossil of the New Scene
Fossil of the New Scene
Kevin Ridgeway is a saint-but like any good saint, he is a sinner. His writing dissects the backroads and rooftops of our fallen world with infinite empathy. He regrets it all even as he revels in it. Junkie Saints. Crushed paintings. Boarding house knife fights. The friend who disappeared into rumors Ridgeway's writing chronicles the aesthetics of forgotten places. He draws beautiful maps of hell so that you can pass through when you find yourself there. -Scott Noon Creley, author of Digging a Hole to the Moon I'm certain Kevin Ridgeway's got the stuff: clean straight writing. And he knows what a poem can be made of. That is, if you're looking for something with authenticity. Movement is stumbling through reality, falling on your ass. Often the speaker is just trying to find a way to go one. It's not easy (try it sometime): writing excellent strong poetry about real life and real people. Thank god he hasn't been corrupted. Ridgeway is a STRONG voice. It's rare, especially in American poetry. -Don Winter
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Alien Buddha Press
Alien Buddha PressBy Alien Buddha, Jeff Weddle (Authored by),Jason Baldinger (Authored by),Ryan Quinn Flanagan (Authored by),Nathan Tompkins (Authored by),Marcel Herms (Authored by),Robert JW (Authored by),Stefan Bohdan (Authored by),Mark Borczon (Authored by),Richard J Cronborg (Authored by),Clinton J Ruttan (Authored by),Chelsea Bergeron (Authored by),John Grochalski (Authored by),Jay Passer (Authored by),Ammi Romero (Cover design or artwork by),R Keith (Authored by),Mark Hartenbach (Authored by),Kevin Ridgeway (Authored by),Gabriel Ricard (Authored by),Thasia Anne (Authored by),Luke Kuzmish
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