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Interzones is an innovative account of how the color line was drawn--and how it was crossed--in twentieth-century American cities. Kevin Mumford chronicles the role of vice districts in New York and Chicago as crucibles for the shaping of racial categories and racial inequalities. Focusing on Chicago's South Side and Levee districts, and Greenwich Village and Harlem in New York at the height of the Progressive era, Mumford traces the connections between the Great Migration, the commercialization of leisure, and the politics of reform and urban renewal. Interzones is the first book to examine in depth the combined effects on American culture of two major transformations: the migration north of southern blacks and the emergence of a new public consumer culture. Mumford writes an important chapter in Progressive-era history from the perspectives of its most marginalized and dispossessed citizens. Recreating the mixed-race underworlds of brothels and dance halls, and charting the history of a black-white sexual subculture, Mumford shows how fluid race relations were in these "interzones." From Jack Johnson and the "white slavery" scare of the 1910's to the growth of a vital gay subculture and the phenomenon of white slumming, he explores in provocative detail the connections between political reforms and public culture, racial prejudice and sexual taboo, the hardening of the color line and the geography of modern inner cities. The complicated links between race and sex, and reform and reaction, are vividly displayed in Mumford's look at a singular moment in the settling of American culture and society.
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Epilepsy in Children, 2E
Epilepsy in Children, 2E
Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder of childhood, occurring both in children whose physical and cognitive states are otherwise normal as well as being a facet of a more generalised and severe brain disease. There are many manifestations of epilepsy and, therefore, a diversity of factors in underlying pathology, responses to treatment
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This accessible and comprehensive textbook is designed specifically to develop students' understanding of leadership in a variety of contexts. Assuming no prior executive experience, the book combines a wealth of diverse case studies with an engaging writing style to illustrate the practical application of leadership theory in the real-world.
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Introduction to the Physics of Electron Emission
Introduction to the Physics of Electron Emission
A practical, in-depth description of the physics behind electron emission physics and its usage in science and technology Electron emission is both a fundamental phenomenon and an enabling component that lies at the very heart of modern science and technology. Written by a recognized authority in the field, with expertise in both electron emission physics and electron beam physics, An Introduction to Electron Emission provides an in-depth look at the physics behind thermal, field, photo, and secondary electron emission mechanisms, how that physics affects the beams that result through space charge and emittance growth, and explores the physics behind their utilization in an array of applications. The book addresses mathematical and numerical methods underlying electron emission, describing where the equations originated, how they are related, and how they may be correctly used to model actual sources for devices using electron beams. Writing for the beam physics and solid state communities, the author explores applications of electron emission methodology to solid state, statistical, and quantum mechanical ideas and concepts related to simulations of electron beams to condensed matter, solid state and fabrication communities. Provides an extensive description of the physics behind four electron emission mechanisms—field, photo, and secondary, and how that physics relates to factors such as space charge and emittance that affect electron beams. Introduces readers to mathematical and numerical methods, their origins, and how they may be correctly used to model actual sources for devices using electron beams Demonstrates applications of electron methodology as well as quantum mechanical concepts related to simulations of electron beams to solid state design and manufacture Designed to function as both a graduate-level text and a reference for research professionals Introduction to the Physics of Electron Emission is a valuable learning tool for postgraduates studying quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, solid state physics, electron transport, and beam physics. It is also an indispensable resource for academic researchers and professionals who use electron sources, model electron emission, develop cathode technologies, or utilize electron beams.
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From Vice to Vogue
From Vice to Vogue
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Investigating Adolescent Health Communication
Investigating Adolescent Health Communication
A comprehensive corpus analysis of adolescent health communication is long overdue – and this book provides it. We know comparatively little about the language adolescents use to articulate their health concerns, and discourse analysis of their choices can shed light on their attitudes towards and beliefs about health and illness. This book interrogates a two million word corpus of messages posted by adolescents to an online health forum. It adopts a mixed method corpus approach to health communication, combining both quantitative and qualitative techniques. Analysis in this way gives voice to an age group whose subjective experiences of illness have often been marginalized or simply overlooked in favour of the concerns of older populations.
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Metropolitan Transport and Land Use
Metropolitan Transport and Land Use
As cities around the globe respond to rapid technological changes and political pressures, coordinated transport and land use planning is an often targeted aim. Metropolitan Transport and Land Use, the second edition of Planning for Place and Plexus, provides unique and updated perspectives on metropolitan transport networks and land use planning, challenging current planning strategies, offering frameworks to understand and evaluate policy, and suggesting alternative solutions. The book includes current and cutting-edge theory, findings, and recommendations which are cleverly illustrated throughout using international examples. This revised work continues to serve as a valuable resource for students, researchers, practitioners, and policy advisors working across transport, land use, and planning.
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The Reification of Desire
The Reification of Desire
Floyd brings queer critique to bear on the Marxian categories of reification and totality and considers the dialectic that frames the work of Georg Lukâas, Herbert Marcuse and Frederic Jameson.
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Metalloproteinases As Targets for Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Metalloproteinases As Targets for Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
This volume describes recent research in the field of metalloproteinases (a family of enzymes that can catalyze tissue degradation), in particular their participation in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, reviewing the latest developments in metalloproteinase inhibitor design and the current status of clinical candidates. This volume is intended not only for those active in research into metalloproteinases but also for those with an interest in inflammatory diseases. Thus it addresses both academic and industrial researchers.
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