Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development
The International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR) is the pree- nent international meeting on case-based reasoning (CBR). ICCBR 2003 ( tional conferences highlighting the most signi?cant contributions to the ?eld of CBR.TheconferencetookplacefromJune23throughJune26,2003attheN- wegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. Previous ICCBR conferences have been held in Vancouver, Canada (2001), Seeon, G- many (1999), Providence, Rhode Island, USA (1997), and Sesimbra, Portugal (1995). Day 1 of ICCBR 2003, Industry Day, provided hands-on experiences utilizing CBR in cutting-edge knowledge-management applications (e.g., help-desks,- business, and diagnostics). Day 2 featured topical workshops on CBR in the healthsciences,theimpactoflife-cyclemodelsonCBRsystems,mixed-initiative CBR, predicting time series with cases, and providing assistance with structured vs. unstructured cases. Days 3 and 4 comprised presentations and posters on theoretical and applied CBR research and deployed CBR applications, as well as invited talks from three distinguished scholars: David Leake, Indiana University, H ́ ector Munoz-Avila, ̃ Lehigh University, and Ellen Rilo?, University of Utah. The presentations and posters covered a wide range of CBR topics of in- rest both to practitioners and researchers, including case representation, si- larity, retrieval, adaptation, case library maintenance, multi-agent collaborative systems, data mining, soft computing, recommender systems, knowledge ma- gement, legal reasoning, software reuse and music.