Second Sermons
While serving as Interim Pastor in the 1993-1994 church year, Kenneth Vaux announced a year-long sermon series entitled "Intimations of the Sacred." Building on the concepts of William Wordsworth that the simple items of nature--leaves, songs, snowflakes, and gestures of kindness--hint to us the mysteries of the divine, we assemble here a selection of these "Second Sermons," which include themes such as Bach and Mozart, Calvin, Wesley and Ghandi, Healing and Resurrection, Reconciliation and Redemption. Here, one can reenact C. S. Lewis' The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, finding a magical world as one enters into the realm within the wardrobe. Lions and Unicorns, Princes, Queens, ships and storms all rest as an in-depth screen behind the door of your schoolhouse or your grandfather's attic. The sermons seek to transpose the reader from the realm of the mundane to the supernal and back again.