Energy Conservation in Department of Highways and Transportation Buildings
This report reviews the policy of the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation toward energy conservation in the operation of its buildings and recommends further measures for conserving energy. The major conclusions are 1. The established policy within the Department is to conserve energy whenever possible, and top level administrators support efforts to improve the energy-efficiency of all Department buildings. 2. In the design of new buildings the Department utilizes energy-conserving criteria promulgated by the State Division of Buildings and Engineering. Individual designs are reviewed by that Division only upon the request of the Department. 3. The program for upgrading the energy-efficiency of existing buildings is informal to the extent that, in the case of structures of lesser importance (area headquarters, etc.), the initiation of action is largely left to local field personnel who may not have the time for such planning. In addition, no special funding has been made available statewide to accomplish needed improvements. As a consequence, energy-conserving improvements often are coincidental to general renovation projects. 4. Increased productivity of personnel as a result of increased comfort levels may be a valid consideration when improvements to buildings are contemplated. Recommendations include specific measures which can be taken by the Department at little or no cost or where payback within a relatively short time (5 years or less) can be expected. A longer range program to upgrade the energy-efficiency of all existing buildings, which would be based on a study of energy usage for various types of buildings and heating plants, is also recommended. Also, the savings from the installation of energy-conserving measures in typical buildings would be evaluated and considered in assigning priorities for capital improvements in other buildings of similar types.