Atlas of the Developing Rat Nervous System
In response to the explosion of research in developmental neurobiology, this new edition of the Atlas of the Developing Rat Brain has been expanded to include all of the plates and diagrams of the previous book, PLUS an additional 95 plates and 95 diagrams delineating the entire rat nervous system. Atlas of the Developing Rat Nervous System features large, high-magnification photographs of serial brain sections of the embryonic and neonatal laboratory rat, with opposing fully labeled diagrams. Complementing the classic atlas by Paxinos and Watson, The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Second Edition (Academic Press, 1986), this new atlas is the standard reference for developmental neuroscientists. Key Features * Provides section-by-section photographs and accompanying labeled diagrams of the embryonic and neonatal rat brain * Shows brain development at Embryonic Days 14 (Whole embryo), 16, 17, and 19, as well as Postnatal Day 0 * Delineates nerves, ganglia, arteries, veins, bones, and foramina of the head on Embryonic Days 14 and 19 * Depicts 912 brain structures or their primordial counterparts * Large size in an easy-to-use, spiral-bound format * Includes a full list of abbreviations, index of structures, and references * 224 photographs alongside meticulously drawn diagrams depict the central and peripheral nervous system and other body organs * Depicts ages E14, E16, and E19 in the customary coronal and sagittal planes and E17 and P0 in the coronal plane