A Better Way to Marry
Why do so many people fail to get marriage right from the start and not experience lasting love? Co-authors, Ken and Verena Hardman, married for more than 35 years, provide a well-researched, experience-based marriage preparation guidebook. It encompasses the best marriage and family practices observed in Western and Eastern cultures corroborated by the social sciences. A Better Way To Marry guides hopeful single adults to get marriage right from the start. It proposes a game-changing approach to marriage, a reliable, safe, well-reasoned, virtue- and family-centered alternative to short-lived, risky and fantasy-based expectations of romance and love as the basis for marriage. It is premised on the fact that finding and forming a marriage with a Mr. or Ms. Right is first about being a Mr. or Ms. Right, a healthy human being who can form and sustain healthy relationships, especially in marriage. It is based on the idea that true and lasting love is learned and developed like a muscle--it does not just happen to you. Relationship-building tools, concepts and a vocabulary are provided that shine light on your deepest desires for the transcendent experience of love. A Better Way To Marry guides single adults through a step-by-step process of self-discovery with questions that examine their assumptions about readiness for marriage, an ideal mate, love, romance, soulmate, intimacy, sexuality, family relations, work-life balance and more. A Better Way To Marry helps single adults and their parents to engage in conversations about the benefits of forming marriages that are part of a supportive network of families and how to do that. The desire for family harmony and stability is shared broadly, whether one comes from a family of very modest means or a high net-worth family, whether one is reared in a Western culture where divorce is painfully common or in an Eastern culture where divorce is not common but is on the rise among educated young adults. A Better Way To Marry provides a success-formula approach to marriage. Get the book now by clicking on the "Buy Now" button above!