A Weasel in the Works
Once again deep upon-a-time in a cold Alaskan semi-wilderness winter, a lonely light breaks a window ... It is the humble author, Ken S Green, up late with inspired fingertips fluttering quietly upon the keyboard ... For posterity and a brighter tomorrow, he plonks out adventurous words documenting the antics of our previously known Mr. Weasel. The cauldron bubbles another pot of tea and under the watchful eyes of household mousy critters, he puts another log on the fire ... Outside, the wind howls with the owls as branches snap, crackle and pop with catchy little tunes ...It is a very squirrelly time of year when Weasels yawn and dream dreams of snacks and nibbles ... There are many of these nibbles to be had and alluring possibilities beckon ... For instance, he wonders, “Is this a truly a house I see before me full of creaks and cracks and trails of crumbs?” There is only one way to find out and so, he must delve into new adventures ... He wonders if he is Weaselly enough for the job ahead ... Apparently so, for with a special card in paw, he makes a run and his activities continue to continue in this latest tail, Book Six of The Weasel Chronicles. Although our hero, Mr. Weasel, is well versed in his own species’ aversion to what has been quietly referred to as “work”, his instinct tells him there should be a Weasel in the Works somewhere, anyway. “It just stands to reason,” he thinks to himself. It is obvious to the casual observer, of course, that this must be so, and so in this All-New Tail, Mr. Weasel races off to find his rightful place in the cosmos. After winning the Winning Card the door is open and off, he goes ... To where? Nobody knows ... Only reading will tell ... So, do not fail, just read this latest enthralling Tail of our magnificent Mr. Weasel, who was brilliantly introduced in Book One ... and memorably re-introduced in Books Two and Three and Four and Five ... is once more superbly re-re-introduced again in Book Six, A Weasel in the Works.