Crying Out to the Lord
Your spirit, at its core, knows how to cry out and pray to the Lord, and what is laid out in this book can help you get to that point. Most of us have never been taught how to prepare ourselves for this kind of experience. However, if one reads the scriptures carefully, they will discover that something precedes the people's cries to the Lord before they obtain the baptism of fire and the holy ghost. The practices shared in this book can help you do this. They can help you obtain and maintain a proper recognition of your state and standing before the Lord. These scriptural practices and habits can help you open your heart and attune to the holy spirit so you can begin to cry out to the Lord.This book addresses those that believe in the Restoration regardless of what branch of "Mormonism" they are in. If you are seeking to have more of God's presence and power in your life and If you've had a hunger in your soul to seek after the Redeemer but struggled with praying and receiving guidance from the Lord, then this book is for you. If you're seeking to obtain the baptism of fire and the holy ghost and want to establish a more lively connection with God, then this book is for you. Crying out to the Lord is different than merely praying. It is an experience of awakening the hunger and thirst within your soul for more of God's righteousness and then crying out to Him for mercy.