Reading for Details, Ages 7 - 13
Foster a love of reading and increase comprehension skills using Reading for Details for grades 2Ð7. This 64-page bookÊis comprised of a variety of high-interest reading passages: news articles, short stories, science articles, letters, recipes, postcards, flyers, advertisements, billboards, and directions.Ê To strengthen reading comprehension skills, the five ÒWÓ questions are featured at the end of each reading passage. The book includes 49 fun-to-read leveledÊpassages, instructions for using the passages as diagnostics in determining students' reading levels, and extension writing activities. With diverse topics and engaging passages, this book makes differentiating instruction for students in the classroom easy. The book supports NCTE standards. Key Education products are intended to engage and educate young and special learners, as well as assist teachers in building a strong and developmentally appropriate curriculum for these children. The product lineÑcomprised of teacher/parent resource books, photographic learning cards, and other activity- and game-oriented materialsÑis designed to assist in ÒUnlocking the Potential in Every Child.Ó