Comprehensive School Counseling Programs
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. An in-depth look at all aspects of creating and managing a comprehensive school counseling program, with a focus on designing systemic programs to serve all students. Accessible and inclusive, this comprehensive guide to K-12 school counseling explores delivery systems and the practical tools professional school counselors need to design, implement, manage, and evaluate comprehensive, developmentally appropriate school counseling programs for all students. Starting from the perspective of “what is a school?” it presents and updates all of the elements of a comprehensive school counseling program, including the holistic, balanced, preventive, and reflective elements, and those integrated with the academic agenda. Aligned with the most current ASCA National Model, ASCA Competencies, and new 2016 CACREP Standards, Comprehensive School Counseling Programs underlines the professional context of school counseling in the real world of public education. The updated, revised chapters of this new edition written by contemporary experts in the field of school counseling.